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Megadeth’s Dave Mustaine is calling out Metallica for not performing with his band. Dave Mustaine spoke about his influence over the iconic thrash band and noted that Metallica and Megadeth are not in competition.


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26 thoughts on “Dave Mustaine Slams Metallica: ‘It’s Not Me, It’s Them!’

  1. When did anyone in Metallica say Mustaine isn't a good guitar player? If someone said that it was clearly a joke. There is no one in their right mind that would believe that for a second!

  2. Metallica sells out arenas alone, megadeth does not at all, dave needs metallicas money. What a douch he is… i was on the big four. It was when metallica came, the whole Audiene went crazy, anthrax first not so many into it, megadeth a little more, Slayer almost all the Audiene metallica Audiene went anticlimax. Guess wich band paid for dinner. Metallica actually Lars private did it. Megadeth or megadave is the most childish and he is the ondest. Metallica cant just make a big 4 show, when they have a tour bookes for years. Dave will never Get that. He has not tour for so long.. Slayer will not come back tom arraya is done. So Dave try to forcr Tom to do a Slayer show.. jeezez

  3. The whole band blamed Dave for him being thrown out, pretty much. Not only that, but they said he drank too much. The only thing i ever thought of is well, they all were too.
    Dave was hardly the only one, but he was the only one who got crushed for it.

    Only thing that comes to my mind is that Dave was probably the only other guy in the room that had the stones to do battle with James Hetfield.

    Everything i know about Dave and how he is he was. Dave was the only guy there who would tell Hetfield the truth, every chance he got.

  4. Metallica is dog shit and hasn't written a good album in over 30 years at least Megadeth can still write good thrash metal Metallica needs to retire already lux aeterna was awful shit drumming and the same solo we hear in every Metallica song… they're washed up

  5. On the subject of whos better as a band or guitar players or whstever….its all a matter of opinion and the debate will never be squashed. The best choice for these two bands is to set out on a tour, metallica and megadeth only. It would generate more revenue than ffdp or whoever.

  6. Metallica was my favorite band until I heard Megadeth and Pantera but if you notice Tracii Guns discusses how he and Slash have been playing together since they were kids in school and Slash never mentions Tracii Guns even though Tracii started Guns and Roses 😐

  7. This guy needs to move on with his Metallica trauma, it’s becoming a bit of a joke and it’s sad. Megadeath is good, and he needs to get over it

  8. I'm on Dave's side on this Hetfield may be huge but they go way back it'd be sick to see them collaborate. Dave's the one with no ego. And the fans definitely dont help lol.

  9. Dave just wants to bring the gang back together, and to be cool again. The mustaine hate is really past it’s time (though he did complain long enough for it to be relevant still) but still, he’s matured a lot and I hate to see people not taking his side as often

  10. How is it "Them"???

    Every week I get online Dave has some Metallica gripe in his mouth and I'm tired of it. Why the hell would Metallica want to do any type of collab with Mustaine.
    I LOVE Megadeth! I'm one of the few who think they're BETTER than Metallica, but c'mon. This is just try hard. You had some kinda peace going for awhile, but Dave keeps bringing up these old war wounds. C,mon Dave! Is THAT Christian?
    The Big 4 was great! Let it remain that way in our memories. Why can't Megadeth put together a huge tour package? Find the NEXT "Pantera", or big band coming up and hit the road with THAT!

  11. Metallica and Megadeth touring would be effing HUGE. So would a collaboration. I’ve been following both bands from the beginning, I haven’t been to a concert since the 1990’s and if they got together for a tour, I’d absolutely make it a point to go.

  12. I love both bands but Dave just likes putting his foot in his mouth especially when it comes to James and Lars and we know what James is like after hearing Dave talk smack about him n Metallica theres no way in hell it'll happen now

  13. Their afraide Dave will kick off lol it's the management stirring the shit to sell records that's why they release their albums the same time to course drama

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