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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.

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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:


Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!

0:00 Intro
0:05 The technician said the engine surprisingly had great before and after. As there was a lack of oil being fed to the turbo they were wearing out pretty quickly as the turbo spun at a very high rate.
0:24 Shop added a couple of liters to get it to start, but the customer ran the vehicle out of gas. The business card was in the way of the fuel level low message on the instrument cluster.
0:30 One wheel, brake caliper, and brake caliper bracket were damaged. Look’s like the customer lost a bolt for the brake caliper and decided to drive it anyways, which caused the brake caliper to hit the inside of the wheel and damaged everything else.
0:42 CV axle broke and rubbed through the lower control arm for two months. The shop installed a new CV axle, and lower control arm and did an alignment. The technician said this was on a Chevrolet Silverado.
Must have been making quite a noise for a while.
0:53 Ford Ranger/Mazda B series pickup.
1:07 The technician said it was a Dodge full-size van. Why it’s important to get an inspection done before purchasing a vehicle.
1:25 The customer paid the shop to have it properly fixed. They send the cylinder head to the machine shop to get cleaned up and cleaned the engine block themselves, then installed a new head gasket as well.
1:35 Pontiac, Grand Prix with an interestingly long shifter.
1:44 “2002 Buick Regal came in for key/security issues. The customer flat towed in behind the pickup with a tow strap. They wrapped the strap around the transmission cooler line and broke it off the transmission. Didn’t realize it till we fixed the security issues and got it started and it started pouring fluid on the floor. They agreed for us to fix the key issue and the cooler lines.”
1:57 Cadillac (did not mention model). They found a portable speaker in the trunk that was left on.
2:05 The $30.50 of change was cleaned up and the noise went away.
2:16 The customer’s friend installed the spark plug wires the wrong way on the ignition coil pack. Those ends on the right need to be on the spark plugs (should look like the left side).
2:29 “Wanted an oil change only, not even wanting to replace the headlights as they are fine…”
2:33 The technician does not remember the make/model. However, the customer’s insurance company covered the damages.
2:42 “2005 Chrysler Town & Country 3.8L. Customer wanted brakes checked. Upon starting the vehicle to pull into the garage, the tech noticed the “low oil pressure” light was on. Engine oil was not on the dipstick and when the tech added oil, it could be seen running out of the valve cover. No one in the shop had ever seen a valve cover leak so bad. 3.5 quarts were needed to bring the level back to the “safe zone”.”
2:58 It took the mechanics at this shop two and a half hours to do this. The mechanic removed the post-it notes off of the windows and windshield and drove home like that.
3:10 Outro. Thanks for watching!


Just Rolled In

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Just Rolled In

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31 thoughts on “Customer States They Had Two Turbos Replaced In Two Weeks | Just Rolled In

  1. the only thing you should ever spray on your head gasket is copper gasket spray this cunt sprayed yellow paint that was probably $2 a can on his whole engine lol

  2. That last one looked like a Mazda MX 5. The latest ones look like a mini Corvette Stingray. Oh……… if only Mazda would release a 2.5 lt turbo with AWD in the MX 5. What a slayer that would be.

  3. $30under a seat bracket. Not bad.

    One time I found $85 in 1 and 2 dollar coins under the back-seat of a Honda civic i was repairing.

  4. I have so many questions about the third one that I might as well give up on learning anything new, just dedicate the next 15 years to figuring out the answers till my mind can finally rest.

  5. 0:24 That was my 2nd favorite. I really like the ones that are fine but the owner seems to be scatterbrained.
    The last clip had to be my favorite. Nothing wrong with the car but that must have taken a lot of work to get that done.

  6. The amount of time it took to cover that car in post-its…. That is some serious dedication to the "craft". I'd have just covered the windows and called it a day.

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