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Joe should be the food critic from ratatouille for halloween
I'm with Derosa on Forrest Gump. cannot Stand that movie
50:16 EXPOUND!
Looking back I think this is my favorite episode i can think of
Shepard's pie for the win. #teamcaasserole
Wow that turkey tetrezinni sounded good till this nigga said spaghetti
Gotta get Soder on the Weed v Alcohol rematch
To Joe's defense. When you stream stuff a lot of the blacks are pixelated. Doesn't happen on Blu-Ray's
Soder makes me laugh so hard at the dumbest shit and I love him for it.
I feel like Joe was team casserole after reading those comments
Forrest Gump 2 Return to Retard Mountain
holy shit dark forest gump
“[BOWL {of SaLad SUBSTRATE for muLTiPLcaTion of PATHgenTs] wiThin a [BOWL {of IcE}]” (impersonaTe Princess BuTTerCUP’s HIGH as #^¢% PriesT)
Derosa's diet looks like it's working. I wonder if his neck is on a diet too.
51:07 Foons and Sporks!!! lmmfao!!!! nobody called him out!!!
The chants from Soders Chappelle impression still live rent-free
@7:28 So good to see DeRosa's home and all his accoutrements lol <3
Casserole is the leftovers poured into a dish with cream of mushroom and then you put fried onions on top to make it fun. This is what it is. It’s like being stoned and eating whatever you find in the fridge with a side of Fritos. Cream of mushroom has no other use than soup which your mom bought but no one has ever wanted. Put fried onions on it and make it warm and be hungry. It’s a dish.
So a guy who thinks McDonalds is the best restaurant makes money off a food podcast and now he is also gonna profit by sharing how he thinks Forest Gump sucks on his movie/entertainment podcast….. what a wonderful time to be alive
"You and your side dish life, I'm over here living an entree existence."

What a sad life for anyone in the comments who was hating on all casserole.
Casseroles are God given. Joe is OUT OF HIS MIND
“No matter how many people stick their foons and sporks in it” -Joe Derosa
The ads reads are getting insane, we need sal back asap
this is gold, holy fuck
“You and your side dish life; I’m over here living an entre existence” has got to be the best line of Tastebuds so far!
How are the most replayed sections of the video are ads?
Love me some Danny Sodes!
Did Joe forget how to use a microphone this episode? His levels are all over the place.
no podcast has more ads than this podcast
Dark Forrest Gump is some of the funniest shit i've heard in a long time
Joe maybe we should put some pants on if we want to continue podcasting today!
Mayonnaise isn't what makes you sick from a salad it's usually the onions.
Damn! Dan has DeRosa body
Ol' Consistent Soder brought the good fight
, also Dark Forest is hilarious.