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27 thoughts on “WOW! Markiplier vs Joe Rogan Exposes A Lot, PewDiePie, Vigilante Caught on Video, Elissa Slotkin, &

  1. I honestly believe that we need to teach positive coping techniques to children starting at an early age, and it needs to be taught as part of their school curriculum. Good mental health and medical care would help too. If people have positive coping skills, are taught to recognize when they need help and are not afraid of asking for help when they need it, and if they have proper mental support available to them then they would never really feel the need to get high or over drink. I am surprised that there is not a call for more people to enter the mental health field yet as there is a vital need for people in that industry.

  2. I've been working from home for 9 years now. Because of issues, I needed to be a Stay At Home mom, but still needed an income. I found a customer service company that allowed people to work from home even back then….and been with them since.

    This isn't a spam message, as I am not posting any links or anything.

  3. If you want to know why younger generations dont seem to be as mobilized to vote its because of an unfortunate fact. They've realized that voting isn't how you're going to solve this crisis. Guns and violence are, guns sales are up massively and neither side is backing down. We're going to war and there's no way out. Regardless of who wins, both sides are going to open fire on each other.

    The cultural and intellectual difference between each side has gone beyond what can be solved by voting.

  4. What people don't realize on Marks and Pewds "digging up the past" thing, is them saying anything shouldn't be taken as 1:1 to their personality, views, etc. There are literal hate channels and how come they're not being equally scrutinized or worse? Why is the few times they let something slip suddenly it's interpreted beyond a gross miscalculation?

    What I hate the most about this "controversy" is that the people against them for it is them treating the incident as "if he's not pure enough I feel uncomfortable to follow" like what?

  5. Hey Phillip! Psst! Psst! Stop being a schill, hustler for once and start being an unbiased source. Your audience is probably young people and you are falsely claiming most stories. You are in essence what you complain about.

  6. "Researchers may have found the reason mosquitoes like some people more than others, and good news! There's nothing you can do to make yourself less attractive besides using repellant!"
    Great. Thanks, PhilL. Yeah. I not only gave you an extra 'L', but I capitalized it for that. Why couldn't this video have been suppressed like all of the rest of the videos about terrible news?

  7. The oil issue in this country is one that needs to be scrutinized more. We also should keep in mind that our situation is not as bad as it could be due to the lifestyle post-Covid. People have been commuting less, which means lower demand and prices. If our demand was at pre-Covid levels we would be floored with the price reflection. Also, diesel prices have not seen the relief that gasoline has, and diesel is the correlation to our cost of goods and is a huge factor in the inflation we are experiencing.

  8. Phil, I get that using keywords in titles and using certain faces for thumbnails gets people to click on your videos. However, as a consumer I have to say it gets really annoying. From the viewers point of view, having ones curiosity misled and unfulfilled leads down a path of avoidance, which is counterintuitive to your reasoning for doing it in the first place.

  9. I doubt Netflix actually gained that many subscribers. I have a feeling that a lot of accounts actually got hacked. Or they are inflating the number in some arbitrary way. Like calling different users on an account as different added "accounts"

  10. Anyone who calls it an "Armed Insurrection" when the people present were among the most well armed in the entire country, and not a single person was shot by anyone in attendance with exception of one of the protestors who was shot by a Capitol Police Officer. Anyone who uses that argument is automatically invalid, sorry. All of the facts are readily available, even the government's pieced together minutes-long cut out of over 500 hours of security camera footage that we are not allowed to see, it's still a known fact that nobody fired a shot… Insurrections are a blood bath, it's in the definition of the word XD She is totally right on the Abortion thing though, but she's clearly either a fool or a total liar in many other respects.

  11. Biden is using roe v wade as a chip to try and win he could literally codify it today if he wanted to the house is under Democrat control he could have done this at any point he could do it while eating his cereal but he doesnt actually care unless politics is at play and it means a win for him .

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