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Still not buying an electric car that only goes 150 miles
If your family member is killed by a Muppet like this, sue him for every cent he has.
great, you have a car that can tell you where airplanes are headed… great work
So they made a computer to simulate( forgot the name) an app my cousin has on her phone.
Why tf would you wanna hear about planes when you’re whippin it
U know what's WAAAY more fun than that??. Powerboating. The waters the last place where u can go SUPER FAST & NO1 bothers u. My boat will do over 135mph & I've never been harassed by the law dude 2 speed. They c a fast boat, they cum over n check ur license, measure the noise of ur exhaust depending on where u r etc. n that's it. I hada Lambo, Porsche, Z06, ZR1 & MAAANY more. FUUUCKIN BOOOORING!!. There ain't no bikinis at cars n coffee gentlemen. But there's an abso-feckin-lute plethora of'em out on the water. I'll never go back 2 supercars. My Cumins'll de-fuckin-stroy most people who think they're fast anyway.
& she's a wuntun.
This guy sounds like every supervisor or wanna be big boss
Knows information that is learned by others and thinks he’s the smart person or a genius lol
Get out of here actor
I like when they talked about how it finds the cops
So do we squawk 7500 if we get carjacked?
Bros driving around with an advance UAV!!
flight radar 24 does this for free
caption: "this cars computer finds cops" the video: "the computer allows us to know where planes are and whose plane it is"
Just use Waze
They could have just downloaded the app that shows u on a map where the planes are instead of doing it that complicated ass way… Lol
Sounds like a billion dollar idea
where can I buy this bundle kit hahaha
So you technically want to break laws that you and Frankenstein ride feel privileged to.
When you run into a police cruiser…lol.
And that’s how need for speed inspired these guys
Tell me you’re bad with money without telling me you’re bad with money
we don't care about what's going on in the air , we need something that we can see what law is at on the streets or highways without being detected
Why would you want that in a car ?????
This finds planes not cops
How does an antenna that picks up air traffic control find the police?
This cars computer DOESN’T FIND THE COPS!!!!
How does adsb help find cops?
Basically iff
So…it finds aircraft…how does that find the cops?
Huh… a raspberry pi and Waze has come a long way
Well it would be good if cops drove around in planes you soft brains
Yes, but those frequencies are highly regulated, regardless of encryption or not. Spectrum management is serious business.
and how does it find the cops ?