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44 thoughts on “Spek & Ichabod on Painting Freights, Felony Charges for Graffiti, Snitching & More – No Jumper

  1. As a 20 year graffiti vet….I went about it like ICH did. Racking only brings theft charges when you inevitably get caught. Id find spots folks would be willing to make deals. Ive bought out more isles of paint from 85 year old grandpas then i can count.

  2. Adam bro I been watching u since the fat nick and pouya first interview and these graffiti interviews are some of the best ngl, the MTA crew one was good af and this one was even better getting ichabod the railgod on here was crazy tbh

  3. Lol totally agree w ichabods stance on anti style 😂 two legends in my city have started doing it and its just bothered me so much bc i know they can paint bangers

  4. Man im loving this adam pls keep doing graffiti interviews im at the part where yall talking bout racking and ordering pallets of paint this is so interesting ive never been one to rack much always sucked at it.
    God i miss painting now i been super inactive the past 2 years only paunted a handful of times i needa get back into it

  5. This guy looks like Justin Bieber cousin that got hooked on oxy’s. Seems like another YouTuber that gets off telling people lies about the wild life they use to live. I have a hard time believing he was spraying when he was 16 for eight hours at a yard. Your boy is fake.

  6. Crazy Ichabod is way bigger right now than Spek, Adam should of focused on Ichabod evenly during the interview rather focus on person he has rapport with to only talk about himself..

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