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#Narcos #Cartel #Mexico
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Good taste of truck
*Highway patrol Fuzz bust this, Van wiki lol
9:23 that ain't no machine gun that there a semi auto 50cal
I don't know if Rabbit will ever see this, but I have a very similar story to this one. Bought a truck and within 20 minutes of leaving the dealership I was pulled over by local pd.
What I didn't catch was if it was in good condition? I'm on the edge of my seat was it a nice Blazer? Wtf?
What’s the show?
What’s the sow called
All this story but don’t show the truck in video just pictures what a waste
Was it gorgeous? I didnt hear whether or not it was gorgeous
"Something good on gas mileage" Buys a Blazer jacked

"I got a killer machine." You sure do bud lol
If They ever made a movie of the way I grew up and the lifestyle that my parents lived this guy would have to narrate it I don't think Morgan Freeman would be appropriate.
RIP Mike Erwin Tucson Arizona
He bought coc4ine was inside like
25 kgs right you bought a nice truck
Love the story on this. I'd love to have it.
I live in El Paso Texas… for the most part, he is correct. Should have gone to the fox plaza swap meet and had an agua fresca… squirrel hunting
Next time go to Sparkys in Hatch… close enough
Lol whataaa story !
"holy sh!t, what'd I just buy!?"

Rabbit is an incredible story teller
That’s badass
This man puts the H in Hustler holy shit. Just drives around buying cars and selling em on the spot for profit. That's one sweet ass skill too have.
That Lightning
Scrolling through, read the title, oh yeah that's definitely rabbit. I was not disappointed
I used to buy state, county and city L.E. cars and trucks. I've got hours of fun stories freaking people out and getting pulled over.
Stop with these lies dic riders lying in here
Rob Pitts the cartel

For everyone who’s a none smart person, don’t buy cartel cars the chances of people looking for that car is high