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28 thoughts on “Doug’s Wall of SHAME!

  1. Customer is always right… Is one of those ridiculous american things. Over in the civilized world, employees have a lot more PAY, education, rights and freedom over their own lives. They dont have to grovel for your approval or your tip.

  2. The “Customer is always right” not about bending backwards to fulfill a customer’s request. It about letting him/her buy whatever he/she wants, without you (salesman) pushing him/her in a specific direction.

  3. Basically: your grandparents trusted you to be intelligent enough to know that "the customer is always right" simply means pick your battles, don't put your ass before your business. I agree though, they were stupid for thinking that highly of you.

  4. “The customer is always right” is just a rort so that narcissistic spoilt brats can get what they want for as little cost to themselves as possible, more than often at the anybody else’s expense one way or another.

  5. Parents and grandparents have to work hard their whole life to build up successful business only to have their lazy spoiled kids like this guy ruin it

    From customer is always right to making fun of your customers, thats why its very difficult to have multi generational business because eventually your kid turn out to be like this idiot

  6. Even working for Subaru with people that are middle class I wish i had this idea, 10 years worth of their bullshit I could have had so many ridiculous letters

  7. customer is always right is just a ridiculous fake cliche to validate already errogant idiots even more. Who ever came up with that was either encrretblly stupid or encredibly smart.

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