In 1971, the Shah of Iran, the self-proclaimed ‘king of kings’, celebrated 2,500 years of the Persian monarchy by throwing the greatest party in history. Money was no object – a lavish tent city, using 37km of silk, was erected in a specially created oasis. The world’s top restaurant at the time, Maxim’s, closed its doors for two weeks to cater the event, a five-course banquet served to over sixty of the world’s kings, queens and presidents, and washed down with some of the rarest wines known to man.
Over a decadent five-day period, guests were treated to a pageant of thousands of soldiers dressed in ancient Persian costume, a ‘son et lumiere’ at the foot of Darius the Great’s temple, and the opening of the Azadi Tower in Tehran, designed to honour the Shah himself.
Every party leaves a few hangovers. This one left a country reeling, never to recover. It crystallised the opposition, led by the Ayatollah Khomeini. More than any other event, this party marked the break between the king of kings and the people of Iran he reigned over. A Storyville documentary.
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So they threw out a clueless, self-absorbed, disconnected, authoritative dictator, and replaced him with the exact same thing, only more oppressive because of his religious fundamentalism. Seems like the leader swap could have gone a little better.
But my country really isn't doing much better either, and history just repeats its self.
And Esso, Chevron and the CIA were behind the throne.
khomeini and mullahs destroyed our lives ….god damn him
Very informative documentary. The Shah took his position
You don't do anything for your people you end up running for your life.
Looks like a awesome party! Love the location.
Iran of 70's looked just like a European country now a days. Iranian revolution brought back cultute , religion n civilization back to that over modernized empire. Kingship is not part of politics in Islam.. either khilfah or democracy is acceptable.
Esmaeil Khataie and Arshin Adib Moghaddam And Karim Lahidji F.U
The US and Britain put the Shah in place and supported him through out his reign. The US also supported Baptista in Cuba while the mafia basically took over the island and made it an American playground. I hope we have learned our lessons.
Anyone that the USA approves of or supports is never a good thing in the Middle East
Full of Anti-Shah bias! Totally one-sided. Shah advanced Iran so much!
and what ,,GREAT'' ISLAM brought to Iran so far ???? nothing ….also to any other islamic countries….they are 100 years behind the world. it is always the same – battle for power. One took advantage of the weakness of other..
very soon same will happen to the present power. why ???? because no person or system is forever.
and there is NO COUNTRY in the world that was once great to repeat that state again. but so many foolish leaders dream of that impossible situation and bring only disaster to their countries….
The Shah was a Puppet to the West. The people didn’t want that, and still today. No nation is perfect nor is Iran, but at least they aren’t a slave to the whims of the West.
but islam is not Iranian religion . they are not arabs …Cyrus had different religion.
The actual cost was more akin to 17-22 million, and there is no evidence for the claim of 120 million. That may be the original price, but the shah cut funding by around 1/4. In addition, that was not a very high price for Iran at the time (22 million) Also the claim of 50000 birds dying due to desert climate sounds unlikely, as it was October and their natural climate at the time. Other than that, good video.
Priceless History

and ,,,,, an islamfascist regime was born …. a joke to the humanity
I love the dresses and sparkles!!!
My grandfather worked in Iran for the US and was at the coronation. He died in 85.
This documentary is nonsense, trying to present the Pahlavis as people who didn’t care about their country and its advancement,wasting country’s money!

History is showing clearly what he did for our country, and seeing these students that went to universities abroad complaining about the Shah not letting anyone read a book
His only mistake was to believe that all Iranians were as patriotic as him and that they could honor their history of 2500 years with Cyrus the great but Iranians can only criticize and not improve


He was a puppet for USA.. Governments
When the men were so afraid the women had the right to choose how to practice their religion. Yes, familiar. I'm not against modesty or religious clothing. I myself wear religious clothing. What I'm against is men dictating to women what women should do. To say women having free agency was a white revolution is disgusting. Women of all skin colours, creeds, and backgrounds cry out all over the world to be allowed to choose.
There was no need for this ridiculous, ego-bloating show.
Folks, why is anyone surprised and vilify the Shah ! I can handle this once every 2500 years, I think, right or wrong, the world’s most powerful and popular heads of state showed up to honor your legendary king Cyrus, in fact I think it was a boost to put Iran on a world map of being a progressive and advancing society.
In Saudi Arabia, this is the everyday norm of the Al-Saud family and a very very few others. The average Saudi citizen is illiterate, poor, unhealthy, no easy access to medical care, routinely oppressed and persecuted, harassed and continuously followed around..
Give the Shah a break, don’t understand what the problem is when he was glorifying Cyrus the great, he was admired by Persians and non-Persians. He went down in history as one of the greatest kings of the ancient world.
When the clerics took over the country went back to the dark ages
Iran had a king before Moses why did they get rid of him? Be careful what you wish for…… It got worse for the Iranians
You trying to say the king of Iran is worse than the tyranny of the clerics? I don't think so
How many times in history was a leader overthrown for what people thought would be someone better, only to find their lives oppressed and in danger even more by the replacement. We humans are deficient in forward-thinking and discerning amidst propaganda evil and self-serving intent.
Just like the French revolution Shah was decadent n pompous and a revolution was around the corner. The West even after 200+ years, still has a colonial mindset with the US leading the pack. Let Iranians chart their own course in history they have about 150 years and Democracy human rights coming from the West is a joke on humanity.
Another authoritarian in jewelry.
The morons who threw him out have become Authoritarians.
Learn History, or repeat it.
Great documentary. I'm always interested in the Middle East and Persia has such a rich history. The people are very artistic, intelligent and friendly
When I lived in UAE, I used to work for that very artistic lady . Ok ended up with many Iranian treasures.
I presume it's very challenging in creating balance. Look at it now.
یک مشت بیشرف در این گزارش فقط شاه فقید را بدون مستندات گوبیدند ، از کودتا بر علیه مصدق حرف زدند و شعور این را ندارند که طبق قانون اساسی شاه نخست وزیر را نسب و میتواند طبق همان قانون او را عزل کند
در جایی دیگر از قتل ۱۵۰۰۰ نفر حرف مفت میزنند در صورتیکه یک محقق در رژیم منحوس خمینی کل قربانیان سلطنت شاه فقید را کمی بیشتر از ۳۸۰۰ نفر استخراج کرده ولی در همین گزارش نگفته که قریب به اتفاق کشته شدگان مسلحانه امنیت جامعه را بخطر می انداختتد و کسی که میگوید بابت یک کتاب دستیگر میشدند و شکنجه پس چرا جزو کشته شدگان نیستی و دروغ پردازی میکنی ، شرم بر شما
Thousands years old monarchy overthrown by one simple man. Long Live the Islamic Revolution
Those monsters executed my family members and drove us out of Iran, fk the shah and his family, nothing else but theives
I am so amazed how IRan is so powerful and able to host this gigantic celebration! So thankful our Pres. Ferdinand Marcos Sr. and 1st lady Madam Imelda Romualdez Marcos were invited by his highness Emperor Sha and the Queen of Iran! BRAVO IRAN SO PRECIOUS HISTORY!
The video starts off wrong In that the narrator accuses the pablavi dynasty of Corruption and excess which implies that the overlords Whom the narrator serves…these Judges who Pronounced judgment on the king of Persia, are better Administrators, right?
Nobody appointed the US government Political or bureaucratic agents to judge another country as Self indulgent while the USA is itself run by politicians and bureaucrats, special interests with a history of of gluttonous pursuits.
The shah brought his country into the 21st century. They had modern appliances and better infrastructure. He gave land to poor farmers and helped them succeed. He took his people from ignorance to 80 percent educated. So sad he was overthrown and women imprisoned again by a cruel religion
Unbelievable, how many Iranian people forget those tyrannies and repressions of Shah dictatorship. Imagine those money burning with 50% of population below poverty level. Imagine, you go to jail, because you have read a book.
It’s true even in his worst moments he was better then the ones thieves ruling now and he was a true believer not those ones that make up as they go along just to suit the situation a new story comes out to control the people and if they don’t like it they get punished or killed for not believing their new story in history and the country and woman were in better hands and had rights not like now controlled by s** maniacs that want woman slaves
One of the most interesting characteristics of us Iranians is that we say different things at different times and we don't always analyze the culprit easily. Many people bowed down and bowed and kissed me, but now they blame everyone on the king. It is very strange that the right actions at that time are now said to be wrong and the wrong actions are said to be right. If there was no Shah of Iran, the Arabs would have removed your turban.
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Normal citizen How their daily life
we miss you Shah!!
You have an amazing voice. And a gorgeous face too! Love your stories.
I put Haile Selassie in the same league. Both Ethiopia and Iran were better off under monarchy.
unbelievably interesting documentation. Thank you for posting