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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
https://www.tiktok.com/@lostonpandorattv https://www.tiktok.com/@waylonbug22
Last clip – Tire Kingz via ViralHog
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro
0:05 Jeep Wrangler. Will give an update if we get one on what happens, however, the technician thinks it’ll be a write-off since it needs quite a bit of work and possibly a new frame.
0:29 Wheel bearing broke (looks to have been worn for quite a while), then eventually the wheel came off while the customer was on the highway. The customer put the wheel in the box of the truck and continued driving while towing a loaded trailer.
0:39 Blown fuse and the mechanic also found the door to have some water in there, which was all over the door speaker and sound bar. The customer got the wiring fixed, and a new fuse and the soundbar were not installed.
0:52 ASD relay is an automatic shutdown relay. The ASD relay is responsible for supplying switched 12-volt power to the vehicle’s injectors and ignition coils, allowing them to provide fuel and produce spark.
As mentioned the technician removed all the wiring and found the fault to be with the PCM (power control module).
1:10 Battery compartment and underneath all the panels were filled with spray foam. The customer did not mention why they did this but maybe it was to stop some vibrations/rattles while driving.
1:22 No extra info.
1:30 No extra info.
1:39 The customer sprayed spray paint in the intake/air filter box instead of starter fluid. They had to install a new MAF (mass air flow) sensor and clean off the spray paint. The car just needed a new fuel pump.
1:51 The technician said: “There was a multitude of issues. Starting with an immobilizer being removed by the customer. They ruined their starter circuit and the headlight situation seemed to be a bonus lol.”
2:04 The technician removed the oil pan, cleaned off gorilla glue and mounting surfaces, and installed an oil pan gasket.
2:14 The technician said: “The customer came in for a check engine light and misfire. When asked about the chain, the Customer stated he went through 3 aftermarket engine mounts in a year and didn’t want to spend the $80 on a GM mount. So, he fixed it himself.”
2:22 Issues with power running boards. Looks to be an aftermarket set.
2:29 Shop refused to work on this sailboat.
2:40 Broken spark plug wires. Looks like some rodents chewed the spark plug wires. Would replace all the spark plug wires and not just one.
2:45 The shop welded a new piece of exhaust with exhaust hangers and it fixed the issue. The hose clamps rattled quite a bit when the vehicle was idling.
3:01 “Car speeding in Lithia Springs, GA jumps train tracks.”
3:09 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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Hope you guys had a great weekend!
Here is the last video incase you missed it – https://youtu.be/zYeSaW6d5c4
and you can submit your photos/clips at http://www.justrolledinyt.com
Thanks for watching.
And here I thought miami boat ramps was the epitome of stupid, apparently the gene pool is even shallower elsewhere in the us
The balls of steel that dude had to drive a car strapped on a piece of chain
If a chain is good enough for GM is it good enough for everybody else?
I love this channel, because the after seeing all the cursed things it always ends with some eyebleach of nice cars ^^
That Land Rover at the end…
Looks like lots of people are trying to make good use of their "box of wires"
Just truly amazing.
It's a miracle ANY of us arrive safely at our destinations considering what people do with their vehicles
poor cars…
the honda with the spray paint seems like it could be a reasonable mistake if lighting conditions were poor.
Everytime I finish watching a video, I think I've seen it all. But then your next video proves me wrong. I am amazed at the people in these videos. I can't believe they're out on the road with us.
I subscribed next time i will consider commenting.
I just want to know what kind of people these dudes are
And these people are driving on the same roads as you, me, and our families.
I had a hole in my exhaust just before reaching the muffler. I used "muffler-weld", and it fixed it… but only temporarily. The next time I tried the exact same repair on the same problem, I cut a Coke can with scissors, and then I used the same "muffler-weld", but then I used the sheet metal from the Coke can, and two metal hose-clamps. The combination did work… until the muffler itself rusted through three or four months later. Still, I felt clever.
i once had an 87 tercel. it had holes in the fenders from rust, and the ac and radio did not work. however, the engine ran like a swiss watch. i was pretty poor then. i drove that car everywhere. each time it developed an exhaust leak, i would repair it with a soup can, some hose clamps, and some muffler tape. the muffler was a home made stainless job that a welder friend made for me. after several years, the exhaust was about 90% soup cans and tape. when the flex joint finally went, i fixed a bad motor mount, then took it to a muffler shop to put an exhaust on it. they put it up on the lift, and the guy said "buddy, you can't do that!!!" i told him, you sure can do that, i've been doing it for 3 years. i even drove it from delaware to toronto several times. they took pictures of it as a keepsake before they cut it off and out a new exhaust on it. that car was so ugly, i never had to lock the doors. but it got me to work every day for about 6 years, and it carried all my junk to canada when i moved there.
Did you they put car seats in that messy car? time to call CPS
If I had a nickel for every car in this video that jumped train tracks, I'd have two nickles. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
My wife's grandfather had a farm/dump truck 88 F150 that had a bad ignition key tumbler. So he bypassed the entire ignition and wired up three switches, one to the computer relay, one to the fuel pump relay, and one to the starter relay. It was a cluster of wiring under the hood. Surprise, it stopped working.
I bought him a new key tumbler and installed it, and returned all of the wiring to stock. It worked fine. He had a key again.
A couple years later, I visit and get asked to take some stuff to the dump with his truck. I get in, and there's a whole new set of switches. He had done it all over again, bypassing the ignition system.
I asked him why. He said because the ignition was sticky. I told him he could have just squirted a little graphite in there. "I didn't have time for that" he says. But he had time to rewire the entire ignition system?
For reference this man was a career Navy submarine nuclear engineer.
CPS needs to be involved with the owner for that filthy car imagine how the kids are treated at home
I always amazes me that when tracks are fully sunken in the road, with nice smooth wooden “patio” around them people will slow to 5MPH even in heels/lifted trucks. When it comes to protruding/road top rails though it’s “full speed ahead, captain.”
I used a thick steel chain on a mustang I used to own. The motor mount was worn out and the engine would come up on acceleration, so I used a chain to hold the engine down
the custom “wiring” people try to do on their cars is hilarious i mean come on an extension cord
I don't know how mechanics don't lose their damn minds.
Damn car dealerships. Ripping us off with manufactured rubber engine mounts, when a perfectly good chain will do the job

So freaking wild
Last video remind me about Back to the future movie xD
Flayng Ending of the Video Rock on XD
And I thought the wiring in my sailboat was bad… mine was a breeze compared to that.
Lawd have mercy

I was a master mechanic for a bit at a Honda dealer. It's amazing how some people live.
My heart goes out to the babies that are being transported in that dumpster on wheels! And people wonder why young people are so violent and disturbed. …
I’m no mechanic…
Some people should just not be allowed to touch or drive cars… nice clip at the end
That last clip looked like somebody wanted to use the restroom real quick.
It's called youtube.. watch a video on how to repair and if it's to difficult bring to a professional. My lord!
2:29 That rat nest got me hyperventilating, I bet the dude is a electrician.
1:30 People are disgusting.
[Has had a horrible day and customers bugged me all day with stupid crap. now its vented here in context of this video]
This video describes quote clearly why i hate people in customer service. Why i hate customers who DIY some weird stupid shit, come to me with this "all knowing" expression on their face.. then the ghetto ass fix they did is summed up with this video.. involving glue, hardware store screws,scam products ,SPRAY F***ing FOAM and massive leaks here and there. Then they want a fix that will not remove their horrible creation. Then this "All knowing" expression does not go away, no matter what i do, say or do. It goes away when i take away that oil dripping sculpture of spray foam and the engine spills its contents like im gutting a f**king deer.
There is little redemption for idiots.
What's the shop rate for R&R on a gorilla glued oil pan these days?
WoW just wow
Nice episode of 'i did it myself" incidents.
Are these people on drugs
These people don't need a driver's license they don't need to be anywhere near a car not even ride in it
It amazes me how stupid people are
World is brimming with IDIOTS !!!