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I absolutely love y'all <3
wow. that’s like, extremely trashy for them to call off last second like that. lost a lot of respect from me and many others i’m sure.
I came to this show for Sal but I stay for Joe, this guys a workhorse. Funny as hell. Great job
Hats off to pimp for stepping up to the plate on this one.
The way you pronounce Mario completely cuts you out from having an opinion on it.
I feel for joe in the beginning of this
Whenever I first started watching this pod, I wasn't too sure how I felt about Joe, but turns out I fucking love him.
Thanks for being you, Joe!
Shout out DeRosa mannnn
How can the producer look like a grown man but sound like a twelve-year-old and laugh like a hyena?
i'm out of the loop, where is Sal? Why is he absent 90% of the time? Why cohost 2 different podcasts and never show up to any of them? I genuinely feel bad for Joe
Why have you never had Murr on the show?
I was today years old when I found out joe is on better call Saul
how have i never seen homeless pimpette before this? he looks way different after envisioning him in my head. also i still hate his laugh.
I'd much rather watch Taste Buds than Two Cool Moms. Gatto would have been a good guest to have back on here.
The 3 of them would have made a great show!
At first I didn’t really like Joe, now I watch for Joe. It’s kinda cool because Sal actually kinda predicted this for peoples’ reaction to Joe. Good stuff, glad he’s keeping this entertaining. Pimpy helps too!
Mashed cauliflower with salt pepper and butter is delicious.
Joe needs a raise. I don't know how the money is split up now; being that this is Sal's Network or whatever. If they pay the guests in anything besides "exposure" or returning the favor by appearing on the guests podcast then that should remain at the Baseline. HOWEVER Joe should be getting Sal's paychecks for these episodes hands down.
Low key. Joe v. Joe kinda epic.
I feel like Joe and myself had a very similar thanksgiving
Honestly….Worth watching the whole thing just to see Joe at the end turn to himself and say, “I love you too”. Better Help is working babe!
Ugh Pimp ruins another with his funny killing laugh, not even 2 minutes in
no subscription from me, I'm out
keep Pimp off camera and a quiet producer, then the show will grow 
Joe is simply iconic
You're the best, Joe.
Don't quit your day job Joe, you're no Bob Ross! Sal really is the glue that holds these shows together. I think Hey Babe and Taste Buds should go on hiatus next time Sal is off filming. I think Joe is secretly a chick and I'm basing that on the ridiculous number of throw pillows and blankets on that couch. The fact that he owns more than one afghan makes me want to punch him in the face an additional time. Family style and tapas are one thing but that dump dinner is fargin stoopid! No one wants to eat fruit cake let alone drink it!
TEAM DeRosa from now til ALWAYS!!
In every and all contexts!!
Both Joe and Sal need therapy but I vive with DeRosas mental illness SO much more
Will Ferrell voice “you’re mah boy Blue!!!”
With my gluten intolerance/allergy I have no choice but to find things to substitute, and cauliflower way surpasses carrots in that department! Pizza crusts made with cauliflower isn’t too bad, and I actually really like buffalo cauliflower (def not the same as wings but it’s still good lol). But there are tons of other forms it can take on where carrots can’t really do the same job! I vote cauliflower!
“You seem like a root vegetable guy”

Here's to boarding with health insurance!
Next episode without sal should just be Joe and Pimp battling
Joe and pimp are the best together
Joe's rant on dump dinners and parenting is spot on.
Hilarious transition of Pimp saying "everything's just killing you" to the HelloFresh advertisement.

Love you guys!
Joe is king!
Its funny hearing derosa to tell rich people to not integrate with the poors. they do that themselves don't worry lol
Def do travel eps
DeRose trying to tell parents how to be parents while not having any kids. That's like me telling him how to do comedy or run a sandwich shop. I could tell him what hes doing wrong, but why would he take advice from me when I have no experience in that field?
People canceling plans or leaving me hanging is the worst shit u can do to me. Listening to the call had my blood boiling. Made me wanna hug Joe and i don’t even like him! Lol jk jk much respect to DeRosa for being a champ.
where is Sal!?
Hell yeah, Joe. I love the idea of 'remote' episodes at food events!
I tried the Fruitcake mountain dew just to try it and it was baddddddd.
The Mountain Dew is nasty. Tastes like the vomit after you binge drink on Christmas with your family.
The food festival idea is a banger!
Is this really taste buds though?
What do you guys think has a higher retention rate Joe's only friend as a child (the ditch) or an episode of this podcast with no Sal?
Definitely do travel eps, it would be great.