Featuring @HeavyDSparks and his Blackhawk.
It’s been a long hard journey to get here, but I’m proud to finally announce… I bought my first helicopter. I know I know… you’re worried. But I can assure you all that I have the proper training and expertise needed for something like this. The skies are not ready for me…….
MUSIC: @kedela310 “Deleted”
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Whistling diesel I'm moving to Tennessee soon and I have a class A CDL and am a finish grader on a dozer and excavator if you happen to know someone around the Murfreesboro area needing good help hmu. I can also work of plans and read grade stakes as well. If you happen to need someone like that let me know or maybe you can refer me to someone in that area
Codey do the justice to show the Blackhawk.
i am actualy happy you bought a Helli
I started to hate this spoiled brat. This is a daddy's boy times a million. These f***ers are the worst people wherever you go on earth .
1:31 you don’t Believe Jesus
Bro when he drove into the landing zone he dug I fuckin lost it. Greatest outtro ever
I'm just hoping this purchase finally removes this dufus from the gene pool.
Flying a helicopter, you should always believe in Jesus, because if this nut fails, you will meet him immediately.

You are my favorite YouTuber
Do a 2009-2013 subaru forster durability test
Wtf is going on he is playing real life gta . Getting helicopter flying doing some crazy expensive things . How they afford thems
Am I the only one that noticed the 50 cal in the background 10:44
You can suck it!

Bad A$$!
Is the land under the power lines a right of way for the power company and digging a hole prohibited under the terms of the easement?
please dont sell out to scammers like HeavyD did
You should turn you own truck to a helicopter
Lmfao!!!!!@ wD best part of this weak a@@ video is the Jake Paul ending ohh I wasn't following…..
Tbh WD prolly got more air time in his trucks than some of those butthurt real pilots
Ill be at your funeral. Shame you died for views! Instead of living the life your family wanted for you
The apprehensiveness of that salesman. He looks like a man who just gave a toddler a knife and walked away.
"What's a crash landing?"
"That's where you crash."
Are you going to destroy that helicopter?
Wow this guy must be seriously rich .How I wish to even own my own house here this guy give 250 000 dollars as a reward damn
jit bought a sparrow
This guy is crazy but he got 3 millions hits.
14:51 the flag is very sus on the truck plate
This is awesome!! You need to look into *promosm*!

Yes do a video crashing it like you fuck up everything else hopefully you’ll be done after that crash and I won’t have to see your videos nomore
do a hummer h1 durrability test
buying helicopters:
Whistlindiesel- destroy that shit
Westen champlin- put a 12v in it
i love this
No such thing as a pilot "license." It is correctly described in 14 CFR Part 61 as a "certificate."
11:02 this exact frame. With the Helicopter and Days Since Last Incident sign behind him is pure comedy