Yedoye Travis celebrates his accomplishments over the past year, reflects on picking up skateboarding at 29 years old and shares why he’s tired of anime. (Contains strong language.)
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About Comedy Central Stand-Up Presenting:
Filmed at the Knitting Factory in Brooklyn, these half-hour specials showcase fresh jokes, hilarious bits and shockingly personal stories from River Butcher, Ian Lara, Yedoye Travis, Ismael Loutfi, Amy Miller and Caleb Synan.
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This man is going places
Let the power of knowledge wash over you… yessssss
Those kicks are dope af
Now I need a Mario movie with him and Donald Glover.
That basketball shorts joke is top tier

I love how he don't set up the joke, but sets you up for the joke….comedy genius.
Not feeling it. But he seems to have many fans. Good on him.
Great to see you with a new special. I miss you on "Get In The Robot"
Did he really beat his dad up?
garbage fail
“Someone’s watching Bones on my hulu account”

you were in fact right. i like him as well.
Wish his pops was better prepared.R.Kelly 4ever! Nyc-out Bronx Allday!#FreeR.Kelly!
The R. Kelly slander never gets old!
Comedy central is not CREATING jobs!!!!! 100. These comics they post are "ACTUALLY " funny
As opposed to what THEY (COMEDY CENTRAL) will post.
I'd suggest
……listen everyone in every place. Humor is everywhere ……. problem solved…..
This is THE FUNNIEST set I've seen in a while and I'm watching stand up every single day my dude!!!
I've been on a comedy binge watching comedians I've never heard. I will add this dude to the list of must see
and accurate af
I heard somebody call Yedoye "Responsible Gambino".
Fernanda brought me here
I lost it when he realized somebody was watching Bones 10 season in
Music about sex not necessarily being sexy: I would like to offer up "Tooling for Anus" by the Meatmen as an example of a song that is both about sex and is also sexy.
Man. If GITR had to die, I’m glad you made it Yedoye!
Bich I can swim
This guy is very likeable but not funny.
"That's not even predator, that's alien."
What an amazing end lmaoo
This wasn't funny
Absolutely love the topics yedoye covers here. Pure comedy, while bringing up so many great points / taking on perspectives that not every comedian will talk about.
I saw this live with my girlfriend at the time, one of the funniest shows…and we were sitting right next to that girl that fell asleep
Straight KILLER SET!!
Dude is a low-key black supremacist.
Hopefully he lays off on "white people bad" thing since he clearly has no other personality trait than "melanated"
I think America should conquer Mexico and Canada then we don't have to worry about people crossing the border
Cool stand up bro sorry I keep watching Bones on your account .
I'm almost done.
Also I ate all your bologna.
A spanking is not abuse its the appropriate way to punish a child!
No wonder there's so many unbelievably rude children nowadays.
this is the funniest stand-up ive seen in a very long time
I feel attacked by the doorstop joke
Yoooooo it's the anime guy!! He's funny af!
This is my brand of standup
He is so fine and funny
Dude’s funny as hell but needs to slow down his speech like… 8-13%. Maybe just nerves!
This guy has such an odd delivery & I love it. He's quirky af & hilarious.
14:54 imdontai?