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35 thoughts on “YBN Nahmir ‘After I Seen my Ex in a Monkey Mask w/ another Dude.. I was like WTF was I Doing’

  1. Bra can’t forgive ah nigga who put stank feet in his mouth I still got the video when shawty said dat shyt 😂 dat boy weird and dem guys wasn’t gone stay around for dat shyt

  2. It's like rappers, entertainers and sports stars are the biggest simpsnowadays. Ain't noway in the world could I be getting all that bread and settling down wid some ig chick. I would be moving like future on god.

  3. That’s good you took accountability for cheating but you can’t expect her to continue to respect you after all the disrespect you did to her, you reap what you sow

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