We are going to try out 2 very popular legal products and see which one is actually the strongest. We are going to compare both of these side-by-side and see what the real differences are.
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These videos are filmed legally in Denver, Colorado where Amendment 64 allows for medical and recreational cannabis use for adults. Any information presented on this channel is in an objective, informative, educational and non-glorified manner. This channel will never show or discuss the abuse, purchase, manufacture, sale or discovery of drugs or drug-related implements, and intends to fully comply with all youtube community guidelines. No sales / No links.
0:00 – HHC vs Delta 8
1:05 – Delta 8 / Delta 10
2:27 – What Does Delta 8 Feel Like?
3:17 – How Strong Is Delta 8?
4:19 – Trying HHC
5:43 – What Does HHC Feel Like?
6:33 – How Strong Is HHC?
7:18 – What Are The Differences?
7:57 – What Do YOU Think?
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You should do a test wake and bake each one to get an equal baseline.
Overall I like Delta 8 better than regular weed. It's a very smooth buzz, and it helps me sleep.
What do you mean by super sativa tasting?
If I do Bubba kush I sleep really good. If I do hhc, I feel like tilt-a-whirl type dizzy.
I don't see how you can tell what's better since you did all of them together
Hhh zskittles tastes nasty!
Does anyone what company canna river uses for delivery?
Unfair comparison! Done too close together.
I live in NC and these products are incredible for me as it’s hard to get bud around here
This would be legal in the UK?
This is a great video, I feel like there has never been an opportunity for lab like analysis of new weed products.
I'll stick wiff da ganja
That's honestly a really bad test. Really unaccurate!
Compare the edibles. And next time let at least 1 day between the test…
If you think all hhc and delta are like these there not, the highlighters are good for flavor but are not potent at all I finished off a 2 gram highlighter in a day when the 1 gram laughing buddah cart I get from my local hemp shop lasts me at least 5. It also clogs very bad also expect to suck up about half of the damn distalite into your mouth
They weren’t joking when they said green crack
Do they sell these out side of the website like a stores
Coming from a daily dabber, HHC has been the only thing other than straight up thc to get me stoned. And if you hit a blinker, itll peak like a dab frfr
Didn’t this guy make a video saying he won’t try HHC!
Hey Mr Giner Man , if you want real base line wait till the next day on a clear head. Come on bro
3 videos in and I love you so much already!
Awesome content! So helpful. I work in a smoke shop and sell these products. I can't afford to try them all myself
but people are always asking! Thanks so much!
So you're smoke actually weed all the time… how can you give an actual comparison to none weed carts..then double up on the second dose.. um.. your review is trash..
Cool review

Looks like Banana Times products…The HHC seems to me like…lol when you find some awesome looking ditch, you know its not worth it other than seeds. ( why not lets smoke some) That head buzz before the blank dirty cuss headache. [ 5 sec to one min headshot] Like a bad Whippet, not the dogs.
For me it’s the delta 8 it relaxes me only difference to me is thc and delta is they both help me anxiety or over thinking all. It’s jus delta dnt last that long like thc but it still gets baked but good smooth off
I've tried both thc and HHC-O by vaporizing it in my fenix mini attached to bong and I really gotta say that HHC-O is more of a head high type canabinoid and also it doesn't get you stoned as hell. It makes u wanna do more and really gets u more creative while THC gets you that sloth type high.
Your video just broke my hesitation on trying HHC. I have been avoiding it because I have had blended carts of different brands containing HHC, 8,10, P, and O that did nothing at all for me. And Canna River's prices can't be beat. I have a Cherry AK 8/10 Highlighter right now and am pretty impressed with it. Perfect for work. More potent than I figured it would be. Will be buying the HHC tomorrow.
i think there pretty good. i mean the price difference between others is only a few bucks difference. i personally like the fact i can see the liquid inside very clearly and the flavors are great. maybe a little too much but i like them
Damn sick video
I wouldn't touch that Sh**!
For me….HHC is definitely stronger than delta 8…its almost stronger than delta 9(weed)….its a good in between for me
Hhc is better hands down
The funny part is green crack is a indica
You are what weed looks like If it chose to incarnate into a human body.
Just came across u love yor breakdown sometimes other users smoke so much i can tell what effects will b for me. Btw do u review gummies? Just started with meele delta 9 love them radioactive one get u crazy high.
In my head i guessed you would give them both 4s as i listened to your descriptions
Short answer HHC is about twice as potent
Could u do a video inspecting the 6a10a carts that are popping up ?
Ive tried all but HHC. So far my favorite is Thc-0, sometimes i even prefer it over regular weed
Anytime I find myself double fisting vapes I hit both of them at once lol
Can’t tell me cake HXC isn’t d9
it comes down to terps and cannabanoid blend and rn I'm waiting to try dope as yolas hhc hhc concentrates b4 I say anything but d8 concentrates fuck me up and are the best for sleep and CBd effects if it's full spectrum
My 1st time seeing him with his hat off
I like a cart that has good flavor. A good sweet flavor. Fruity or candy. I've had carts that leave a taste in your mouth like when you're cleaning with pinesol and I don't like that. Anybody else know what I'm talking about? Anyway I seen somebody else review these and they were talking about how good they tasted and I was wanting a second opinion and hoping for a little feedback.
Wanted to say I really love your videos. As a late comer to the world of weed who knows next to nothing, I find your videos to be fantastic!