What a crazy story! Thanks to Mischief and VINwiki fans, we found the old Mondeo rental featured in “Mischief Invasion”. Someone ran the plate and the car popped up on the UK eBay after my VINwiki story premiered. I bought the car and had it shipped to Canada where it got legalized by Bonsai Rides.
This is the video of me reuniting with the car and attempting to drive it home into the US. This is the short story, much more has happened since this video was shot in August. I’ll be back on VINWiki in the coming weeks to tell the rest of the story. Thanks to everyone who made this possible! – Dustin
Dustin Worles
Creator of the Mischief Series
FB: https://www.facebook.com/dustinworles
(Please don’t message our Youtube channel)
***Importer Bonsai Rides***
Website: http://bonsairides.com/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/craigpollock
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bonsairides/
Original VINWiki Story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVUIur6zRqk&t=2s
***Follow Mischief TV:
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Track Info:
Music: Not Too Cray – Huma-Huma https://youtu.be/ED8ZDdInNtw
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Just thought I should point out that this car was sold in Mexico. That means that probably plenty of Mexican Mondeos came across the border into the United States.
duuude…..i watched my first mischief 3000 clip (ilegal download) when in România was no internet yet (at least not as popular like this days)…i was maybe 15 or 16 years old and remember that me and all off my friends, dreaming about one day in wich we could aford a car like in those clips……maaan…what a emotional story with the "MOINDEIOO"
BTW…my first car to own was a 2005 Ford Fiesta sport 1.4 Tdci Zetec Engiinnn
and daamn poor lil handbrake

Big..big fan of yours

Lol, it's illegal to drive Right Hand Drive in the U.S. That's some funny shit.
That was a disappointing end
Who needs vtec when you’ve got zetec
Dustin in the VinWIKI video you mentioned Rob with the GT2 commented on this video "Good times." He must have deleted it?
Have them drive it down to your place and say they're going on vacation in America. Then they can just fly back home and just leave it in your garage.
That things still exists Holly crap
Update VINwiki story after this video was filmed: https://youtu.be/rFlVj-8C3xo
This is pretty cool, it's been in use this whole time rather than sitting in a garage, take a look at its MOT and mileage history through the years https://rate-driver.co.uk/NC03AYJ
Is it difficult to get parts for a european car in Canada / US?
Does the Mondeo share the same internals with the Ford Fusion?
Get the mondeo back, and Daily it
When’s the Vinwiki story update coming out?
I have a soft spot for MK3 Mondeos, my 1st car and I’ve owned 3 since. I currently have a 2004 Titanium X 2.5 V6 hatchback alongside my MK7.5 GTI.
MK3 Mondeos have aged so well.
I went to the original vinwiki video to get the link to show to someone, made me wonder how it was going along getting the car over… glad to find out you're at least part of the way there. I hope you can find a way.
this is pretty awesome boys good luck tryna drift that
How many miles does the mondeo have? Mine had 389.000 km before the key broke off and it's still standing in my brothers garden with the key cilinder half out
What's up, Dustin. Buttsock here. So crazy this is all happening. This is bringing up a flood of nostalgia. So freakin' awesome this car came back and you got it again. Hopefully you can get her across the border sometime in the future.
It's the Ford fuctus..lol
Last thing I expected in a video about a Mondeo: A rowdy G body Grand Prix!
This was a fun video.
It's SEMA isn't it
THE MONDEO!!!! Haha no frigging way!!!!!!! Unreal man!
Ah ah ah. The Mondeo. Awesome. Can t wait for the full story.
did these guys bring you M&M on friday ?
Dustin do you need someone from the UK to buy you service parts?
Why not have somebody from Canada drive it over the border?
As an Englishman who sees these old buses everyday, it warms the cockles to see one that's actually appreciated by someone overseas
Go MischiefTV!!!!
16 years……… fuck i feel old. I remember watching the shit outta the mischief dvds!
This isn't the full story. I'm hoping to see the Mondeo again this week. Updates will be posted on our IG: https://www.instagram.com/mischieftv/
My original VINwiki interview about the history of the Mondeo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVUIur6zRqk&t=2s