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Tim Kennedy is a retired MMA fighter and currently a soldier in US Army Special Forces.

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21 thoughts on “Tim Kennedy Has No Fear – Steve-O's Wild Ride #134

  1. Not completely true the US Army has operated in America. I was in the US Army 17 years and was deployed on several separate occasions on missions in the US borders . It’s documented several times in recent history. Prison Riots in Georgia, 1999 WTO Seattle , 1998 Forest Fires in Florida ,2004 Katrina . These are just few examples that I’m aware of all in recent times .

  2. Big fan of Tim Kennedy but he has some massive blind spots when it comes to police in America. That said, I too am concerned for the lack of quality officers fulfilling their roles, and lack of interest in people wanting to be new recruits.

  3. Steve-O and his buddy aren’t hyper liberal, they just surround themselves with many people who are they just don’t know. They seemed to like many of Tim’s talking points.

  4. I spent 6 years in the Navy without facing any real danger, but my 4 years on the Nimitz left me with an understanding of how things go in the US military. I am 58 years old and I have known 4 men in my life that killed people during war, or so I believe. None of them talked about it.
    One of them was my father. They had a kind of ominous gaze that demanded both respect and sympathy. I don’t see that in Tim and I question the truth of his government sponsored story. If I am wrong I offer my deepest apologies.

  5. Im no tim kennedy but im a redneck from western oklahoma. Its so weird to me how hunters gotta hit these liberal talking points like conservation and cull and trophy hunting and boo hoo. I kill big deer because i like to. I do t eat em ithink they taste like shit. i dont pray to em or thank em. I kill em cause it aint easy to do and im genetically predisposed to. Its so strange we have to placate these people.

  6. the way Steve o plugs his adds makes me wanna stop watching his videos I wish he was more like mr ballen. the way he plugs his adds is annoying af

  7. The thing about buying gold is a government can label it a gold shortage or they need it for an emergency and it will be illegal to have gold or will be valueless Because you wont be able to sell it to a company who needs it for anything other than jewelry

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