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Trap Lore Ross

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Trap Lore Ross

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42 thoughts on β€œThe Tragic Rise and Fall of Famous Dex”

  1. So lost….people think 24/7 taking drugs is a fantasy, and fun. Trust me, it ain't!! U body can't take constant barrage of mishandling drugs. It isn't what it's cracked up to be, and very depressing. Who wants to be stuck within ur body, and on the constant look out for the next "buzz!" U have to center urself, and be happy…

    Like it says when u look thru ur side mirror, "CAUTION; objects in mirror are closer than they appear!" (death or jail)

  2. Relapse is part of recovery. People don't understand fame and money doesn't cure PTSD ADHD bipolar schizophrenia etc. It may help w depression and anxiety but these things still need to be treated. What dex was doing feels just like dope which means he withdrawals like dope. The most pain I ever felt. I pray he gets better. Would NEVER wish this shit on ANYONE.
    Honestly for him, the rap culture may be too dangerous for him. U should never challenge urself. If u know there's gunna be drugs DONT GO or leave

  3. To all the young people out there… I'm gonna sound corny rn but use this story as a warning to avoid opiates and benzos. If it grows from the ground it's probably Ok. Stay away from pills and powders. I say that to say this.. With drugs, ESPECIALLY OPIATES, when you are young and fresh you have the energy and strength to go thru the damage you do to yourself. You have the energy to go thru the WITHDRAWALS at 23, 24. Try kicking that ish cold turkey at like 41, 42. Totally different beast. Stay off opiates and benzos and you should be alright.

  4. Of course people that are doing liquid heroin when they want to stop have just to say it. I stop, I stop drinking liquid heroin. That's a well known fact:))

  5. Chief Keef is the smartest Chicago rapper period he got away from all the bs and he is still here living a good life away from all the bs
    PS whoever was in that video laughing at Famous Dex is SUUUPPEERR WEIRD TFπŸ€¨πŸ€”πŸ‘€πŸ˜³πŸ§πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  6. 2:51 It's hilarious how she's acting like she's exposing him, like she's out here pulling cards, but don't even know who Lil Jay is. Smh

    Of course Dex was chilling with them, that's his bros.

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