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49 thoughts on ā€œThe american dreamā€

  1. as someone who literally caught lizards professionally, slap them real fast with your palm against a wall or something and pin them. not only will it not hurt them but it's your best chance to get it.

  2. 7:00 kills me, his story of an object getting hit by a mower and the reactions from his dad and him retold kills me, idk why šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚, thanks whistlin diesel for existing your videos always make my day better and your humor is the best yet, the haters are just jealous because they wish they could do what you can do.

  3. You can contact google and they will black out your property on streetview. Sad you would even have to do that. I know this is a little late, but welcome toā€¦ā€¦..here.

  4. I bet Cody is cool as fuck to have as a neighbor, and yet instead of just minding your business and getting to hear big block V'8s screaming by every so often or seeing tanks delivered, you try to blackmail the guy for 100 bucks. That is the definition of stupid.

  5. Congrats on the property young man. You achieving a hell of a lot at such a young age. Keep up the great work. I've been binge watching all your videos now that i found you page.
    Fuck the haters! (Glad they making you money)

  6. Very nice piece of land great job. Let the haters hate you worked for it. Fun to see everything left behind. You keep showing them what hard work can get you. Wish more younger kids were like you

  7. I would not mind working for this guy if you came to NC it would not be that way people though are common if you know what I mean he puts up with a lot B's šŸ™„ from people hope life is going better now

  8. squatted truck owners be like "send me $100 and I won't tell anybody your address" I finally figured out why they like squatting their trucks, it's because it kinda reminds them of when they're on their knees blowing their best friend.

  9. Floors me how these young people trespass. I have the same problem in Ohio where I live. They will drive by no trespassing signs and then get butthurt when you tear into them for being there. They donā€™t own a thing other then a clapped shitbox so they donā€™t understand yet.

  10. this was the video i been looking for wd, the message u said at the start. if you are making content and u know where it can take u, who cares what all thses haters think. im from indiana too. thanks for that message bro. i needed to hear it again. u wana do a concrete colab?

  11. hi whistlindeisel my name is konner and i was wondering if you could donate a dertbike i am 11 and my parentes cne not afored one can you pls get me one

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