SQUATTED TRUCK MULCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/whistlin-diesel
After 3 painful weeks of owning this squatted truck it’s final day has come. We completely erase it from planet earth with a freakin mulching excavator. Enjoy watching this sad pile of trash disappear
Huge thanks to Mid State Land Clearing for completely destroying his $50k mulching head for this (his idea)
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MULCH LINK IS IN DESCRIPTION. Follow my new instagram @whistlindiesel69 My old one got deleted for no reason.
3:54 Bye bye engine
WhistlinDiesel is the type of guy that would destroy a pickup truck by only shooting it with a rocket launcher until It blows up in GTA 5 if he ever plays it
This satisfying for normal lift kit truck owners
Organisation Against Squatted Motherf**kers, otherwise known… as OrgASM
It's the truck holocaust
Should have put it back stock and gave it away to someone that needs a vehicle. Let it serve the purpose it was built for.
The amount of soy and sigma at that gay orgy was sad. Bc they 100% call themselves alphas
I seen a squatting truck the other day and I swore he had his wife in the back
Can anyone help me,
I am from Bangladesh, I am the son of a very poor family
, if I don't work for a day, the family will not eat,
if there is any kind person, please help me.

The solution is to mulch squatted truck owners.
That was Epic
Whistling diesel why do you really destroy trucks just like your monster truck your monster truck go to striker in the video.
How do you get that if she destroys cars that easy I mean that’s crazy how why why were you destroy probably a nice car?
I missed this fiasco and I’m very impressed that it ate it like a bag of chips, but wow scary let that B-_-_h Eat this is the next best thing beside sliced bread nice!!!!
4:15 I like your cut G
thank u so much for destroying it i dont miss it i want all those trucks gone im at peace
I find it interesting, no one in the comments of the squatted truck vids say they feel bad for the truck whereas the Duramax has that phenomenon. I've a theory as to the reason behind that. This one deserved it. The Duramax probably didn't, it wasn't squatted.
Edit: well the Duramax wasn't squatted until Whistlin cut its tail off. Then it resembled a squatted truck a bit
Thank you for your service
You’re quite the character! LMAO! And, if you ever have the desire to truly pay for a college education, my daughter list not only her car, her dream Mustang, that she earned with her graduating GPA, but she lost her college – all because by husband got laid off during COVID & we had to use everything we had just to keep our home. It’s all gone; car & college fund, retirement savings, my truck fund (yes, I’d been saving yo buy a new Escalade because mine is 21 years old & falling apart) and our family’s first ever vacation fund. We lost it all supporting ourselves during covid so we didn’t lose our home. And, after all that, our mortgage company pulled an illegal move, bypassing the rules of COVID forbearance, demanding 35k or they’ll foreclose on your family home. A home we’ve paid on for 27 years, never missing a payment. To say it been years from Hell is an understatement, but what kills me is all the opportunities our daughter lost because we had to use her car & college money in order to survive. Isn’t that something? Work all your life, save, font buy anything for yourself, only your kids & then, when we’re beating retirement, lose it all because of a scamdemic. I know I’ll never be able to get my new Escalade now, let alone by daughters dream Mustang, but I’d sure love for my daughter to be able to pursue her dreams, if you ever decide to do something like that for real. Off subject, you remind me a lot of my son. Funny thing is, he goes by DippinDiesel. Boys and their trucks. And yes, he doesn’t consider this a truck, either. He says it’s an embarrassment. LOL
Much love to you,
Shelbie =)
Perfection!!! Love it. Definitely need to do more videos with the mulcher!
There's something called fixing a truck
You: Hey bro wanna see if it will start lol. your bro hey did you destroy my truck. You: *slaps in face*

the only thing cool about that that truck is that its not cool and terrifying
Funniest shit ive seen all year
Don’t you mean tick on a chick lmao
The kid that "built" this "truck": screaming in pain
Every other soul on the entire planet: happiness noises
It’s like a weed whacker on a hot wheels car dang
Now that’s a lot of damage
Wait big whistle the (stink) you smell was more than likely the ac fluid Freeon Ittl get in your lungs and kill u
I think your blood choice to call Chris should be able to f**** truck like that in the world we shall be chopped up
That tick was just because you’re always ticked off man!
I just don’t understand how silly he is
you are my hero
Whistlin, I love you more every day man (not like that!) but seriously, every video of yours that I watch brings my heart closer to yours in the name of insanity! I too am insane & have been constantly uploading vids to my channel because of the YouTube inspiration you have given me with your vids! Someday we will meet in real life & it will be a glorious insane party of long gone stress & madness! Thank You from the bottom of my heart man!!!
WhistlinDiesel, I love your videos a lot!!!!
What the deer seid

Love you man keep the good work!
this is beautiful
the truck said tahnk you for ending me
I’m not gunna lie I didn’t expect this to be the outcome of the squatted truck and extremely impressed. Imma like and hope this happens again in the future
Squatted trucks must die
Had my 9 year old son watch this video this morning. Gotta raise them right! He loved every second of it.
Then the lake cop video played and now he wants us to go to court with you 6/1
(wish we could but good luck – I can’t wait to see that video!!)