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00:00 – Pokimane Says Scammer Tried to Get Her to Send Explicit Photos
02:07 – SNL Writers Reportedly Boycotting Dave Chappelle as Host
03:43 – Twitter Verification Rollout Cases More Confusion
06:36 – FTX Crypto Exchange Collapses
09:26 – Tech Ethicist Tristan Harris Discusses Council For Responsible Social Media
16:11 – Sponsored by ButcherBox
17:10 – Dem. Strategist Faces Backlash For Suggesting Lauren Boebert Join OnlyFans
18:09 – Trump is Losing His Grip on the GOP


Pokimane Says Scammer Tried to Get Her to Send Explicit Photos:

SNL Writers Reportedly Boycotting Dave Chappelle as Host:

Twitter Verification Rollout Cases More Confusion:

FTX Crypto Exchange Crashes:
Checkout Coffeezilla:

Tech Ethicist Tristan Harris Discusses Council For Responsible Social Media:

Dem. Strategist Faces Backlash For Suggesting Lauren Boebert Join OnlyFans:

Trump is Losing His Grip on the GOP:
Produced by: Cory Ray
Edited by: James Girardier, Julie Goldberg, Maxwell Enright, Christian Meeks
Art Department: Brian Borst, William Crespo
Writing/Research: Philip DeFranco, Brian Espinoza, Maddie Crichton, Lili Stenn, Chris Tolve, Star Pralle
Production Team: Emma Leid
#DeFranco #Pokimane #DaveChappelle


Philip DeFranco

About Post Author

Philip DeFranco

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50 thoughts on “Pokimane Nudes Scam Exposes a Growing Problem, Dave Chappelle SNL Controversy, Twitter Burning Down

  1. The truth is, (okay, in my opinion) that the US is fucked either way if either Trump or DeSantis wins, because DeSantis is just as evil, awful, bigoted, corrupt, and horrible as Trump but he is a bit smarter and a little bit more well spoken.
    So, just that much more dangerous.
    No one wins in that fight unless they both lose.

  2. Part of the reason cancel culture surrounding LGBTQ annoys me is because it comes from people that are asking for equality and freedom of expression UNLESS YOU DISAGREE with them then YOU DONT DESERVE any of those things and are a horrible person like just do what makes you happy who cares who agrees or disagrees with you

  3. I think everyone should just be naked at all times so the struggling ugly ass plebs get to see naked bodies consistently and realize the vast majority aren't even worth a wank

  4. If you have so much problem with Tik Tok, then you should have the same problem with other social media and main stream media. You are delivering paid propaganda yourself!

  5. This guy is literally blaming FTX fraud on Binance and saying Elon Musk is stupid. The scary thing is, some people will believe him.

  6. Imma be honest, I am not trans but I support trans rights, but statements like “transphobia is murder” really don’t help, not that they shouldn’t voice their opinions on an artist whose message they find offensive, but comparing transphobia to murder will convince absolutely no one to support trans people that doesn’t already. Your favourite food will still taste good to you after someone has been a transphobic dbag to you, you will never taste your favourite food again if someone murdered.

    Then again if this was a publicity thing then screw you whoever did it, screw you whoever decided to do it, and screw u with ragged sandpaper to any people identifying as trans who played along, I hope your friends realize how crap of a person you actually are

  7. My issue with Twitter and tictok is that there are frequencies that I can feel bending and twisting my thought forms by just being Near someone who has those apps running. I don't use these apps. It is Physically Painful for me to be near those devices running them. What would any app need with blasting it's users with ultra high and low frequencies that are outside of human hearing? What can someone do to a person when they are blatantly manipulating the electromagnetic fields the brain creates as it shifts focus and attention? I miss the days this would have been far fetched science fiction 😔 yet, I am aware that even when I was unaware that this concept as science fiction, there are studies and research from the 60s and 70s that showed how manipulating the electromagnetic environment can cause nausea, disorientation, hallucinations, illness, panic, fear and memory loss. Sure, I'll jump right on grabbing those links and files that I found over 40 years of life watching military programming, Cia documentaries, science innovation articles and I don't know… maybe opening a biology text book to the nervous system and how the brain creates bioelectrical energy through the changing of minerals and proteins into chemical chains of communication. Just saying.

  8. Don't use the established titles it's owned by a Chinese company and after some research Please use Highland Titles or Scottish Titles. Help us preserve our natural environment by using a Real Scottish company that is trying to prevent companies from buying up the nature preserves.

  9. Twitter story. How is this worse/different than conversations in a local bar where people tell lies, exaggerate, and roast each other. Like, why are you going to Twitter for the truth? No pity for anyone whose idea of being informed is checking Twitter.

  10. Failed cancelling attempt=cancel culture isn't real
    Sincerely the cringiest colonizers to a black man who can actually point to nonstop murder instead of calling everything murder

  11. I think the joke was that Lauren Boebert can’t do anything with her life except OnlyFans because she’s so fucking stupid and separate from reality. But idk.

  12. Idk if I would call the Onlyfans comment disrespectful to all women. To me this seems to be within the same line of ridicule as calling Republicans secretly being gay. It's not an insult to all gay people, it's only an insult to Republicans.

  13. how about this…. and hear me out….. If you don't like twitter anymore, just stop using it. I can't believe I just came up with that on the spot. I think I might be an autistic genius.

  14. Galaxis co is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY better than Twitter and few have paid attention to it.
    It has NONE of the problems, Twitter, Facebook and even YouTube have

  15. With Twitter, let it burn. One thing I've learned from growing up pre-Facebook, is that, as humans, no amount of interaction online will ever fulfill us. It just creates problems. Social media platforms need to rot. Social entertainment is the future.

  16. Re: "who would believe you are supposed to send photos of your naked body" – As a former seamstress I can tell you that it isn't as uncommon with custom clothes as you think. Though usually it is "send us a photo of how this is not fitting" so that they can modify something correctly. Also, I have had legitimate doctors request nude photos for both pre-surgery and for online doctor appointments for medical treatments. I am glad that she caught that, but it isn't so out of left field that someone would be stupid for going through with it. Men are generally easier to fit, and are more believed when they speak. It's not uncommon for women to ask to 'prove' themselves.

  17. The idea of TikTok needing to be sold to an American company that the US gov approves of is wild to me, I'm not American and my fyp consists of non-American as well as American creators, including videos about US politics and politics in my own country as well as just random funny videos and cosplayers. All user created content. An American company taking over doesn't sound any less dangerous to me, but does sound hypocritical when the US gov will still trade with China and US film studios will edit their movies in order to sell them to China.

  18. 17:40 – How is saying someone might get an OnlyFans account somehow equate to an insult on all women? So much so that he had to then apologize for it? What the actual fuck? Like, I agree he definitely dropped the ball with that one. Given. But, if that counts as blatant sexism and "misogyny" then bullshit like "The View" has no business even being on television. I'm sorry but, the group think simply WOULD NOT go to bat for a man in the same way and I'm sick of pretending that this bullshit is acceptable. I mean, this is pretty similar to a woman questioning Trump's sexuality and then the entire internet being all like "That's sexist and misandrist!"…

    Sometimes I feel like the whole rest of the planet has gone completely insane. -_-

  19. 2:03 – Yeah, I dunno Phil. I've served my fellow humans in some capacity or another for my entire life. I could 100% see a female influencer being all like "Yeah, I'm TOTALLY a size DD!" and then flipping shit because the clothes you sent them don't fit. Not trying to drum up sympathy for fucking scammers but, I could see people doing that. Which, in turn, might make companies want to verify this shit. Just maaaybe not with nudes photos, though. 😛

  20. We have to always be on the defensive. I bought a 2 piece maternity bathing suit on Amazon that fit horribly. I requested a refund and explained how badly it fit. The seller then asked me to send them photos of myself wearing it. Honestly I dropped it because I didn’t have the emotional energy to fight back and pursue things with Amazon, and I sure want going to send a random person pictures of myself in a bikini that didn’t cover what it should.

  21. Republicans are running for Trump, but he's proven very few of them have a soul or backbone. It took him calling on Mike Pence to throw the elections for Pence to find his backbone. Even after Jan. 6 a majority of them refused to impeach him. It's only now that it appears the great middle independent crowd has spoken with their votes that the party of groveling elephants has felt it is safe to turn on their circus handler. Today's political landscape is different than 2016, sadly, and I say sadly because Trump was a backlash against Obama. He aggregated the hatred and latent prejudice that exists in this country and made those same haters feel like being racist bastardos was all right. Trumps reign, riddled with hate texts from the toilet, riots, division, and complete ineptitude (see handling of covid, "Go ahead, get rid of the Pandemic Response team built by the last two presidents, we won't need that!") has shown the greater American majority where voting for hate gets you… A million dead from a virus that could have been much better handled, and oh, did I mention many of those dead were in red counties and states. Trump: bad for America, bad for your soul.

  22. Don't fool yourself, Congresswomen Boebert and Ocasio-Cortez are the same save for what defines their crazy. Left-wing ideology vs Right-wing ideology, each is as out of touch with the other side of the aisle as the other.

  23. The social media council guys verbiage gives me the major ick. Cultural fault lines? We should be discussing cultural issues?? I get wanting to avoid extremism but… thoughts and ideas should be shared and discussed??

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