How the do you load up and move a 45,000lb truck? You just pick it up and set it on the freaking trailer.
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Just letting everyone know the wreckers pricing was fair we just took a while. So the bill got bigger lmao.
5:11 w rizz
so that john deer tracter you have that big one i have the same exact tractor
I feel like he just jokes about not paying people
Me:watched video
Whistlindiesel :crashes golf cart
Why is HeavyD ignoring me I got screwed by him
Instead of shifting the Monster Max II engines together, whistlindiesel should consider making a hybrid… using 2 tesla Plaids motors and batteries, linked to the gas motors that will be acting as gigantic generators.
How much is ONE tire!!

Everything is very simple for MMII
And if that comment was disrespectful maybe you should help some starving children somewhere.
I guarantee you I'm a good ol boy at 60 yrs old from Texas. This the most stupid thing I've ever seen. You still have no axle clearance moron. Either your parents give you to much money or you make to much from dumb asses like me on you tube.
I'd pay a world's salary to see a big bud-mm2 tug of war.
9.05 haarp geoengenereing weird chem skys
wears the square body
Take a drug test whistling sausage
He changed the thumbnail
not bad tho
When is monster max 2 going to be at your house
Its almost been a year now? This is going on or.. Did you lose this in the divorce? Where's your flex main? I miss crazy $hit like this.
so you built a truck that can't even drive up onto a trailer? idiot
Being Respectful towards your Rivals.

l love it