My third squatted truck. Such a proud and happy dad. Im going to take so much pride in this. This thing is my baby. #chromosomobile
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get hamer break the window
I can't see why a fluffy interior and a suspension modification makes this guy so mad. it's really strange
This is White Trash Vice Grip
Who in the right mind would create something like this.
Chromosome plus

No diesel is actually a gangster when they see another gangster that has a same thing they do that symbol so when you see that symbol don’t talk to them don’t do anything because people are just killed
Bro not used to these trucks we used to any levels
Your shop looks better brown, but it was probably 20 degrees cooler inside in the summer, being white!
WhistlinDiesel in north carolina in zebulon in the town of bunn come and there is alot of squted trucks there 1 truck that is clapped the fuck out and maybe has like a 10 in lift kit on a shitty ass truck with stock rims
God forbid anyone see my comment but as someone who dislikes squatted trucks it honestly looks better than mm2
Your face when you asked if he was legit is hilarious.
Next on the list should be Florida
9:53 my brain

destroy them all
i cant take this im 11 theres no way my mom will take this or anybody its fine just give it to anybody i cant take this and its just for my comment
she said no but thats cool bro thank u but no thank you cant this is the first time ive beenin a giveaway but yah its horrible the collection
nah bro i dont know if mom will let me bro but ill ask for the giveaway
wait really i have brother for thats cool will this really work
This is how shitty chevys deserve to be treated
I don't know if people see this,but this people are mental.they are the reason why we have boys with no brain.
fr tho help
that a nice collection of alabama fresheners tho / ugly why help i dont want anti cancer mammy plz help its horrible its digusting so plz hel pme i am in grate kpain in need help for am i m in grate pain its hurting my eyes
So are the solid white wheel lights acceptable or?
To the guys in that first vid with their squatted trucks you look like complete idiots even the girls on the back were like wtf did I get myself into
10:13 yes.
I wish he would give us the wheels dam
Aside from it being squatted it’s taking your abuse, or was
something about the pause after all the little tree names and he just says jasmine will forever send me
That looks fun as hell
Cleaning up the streets!!