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32 thoughts on “I bought the worst squatted truck on planet earth

  1. No diesel is actually a gangster when they see another gangster that has a same thing they do that symbol so when you see that symbol don’t talk to them don’t do anything because people are just killed

  2. WhistlinDiesel in north carolina in zebulon in the town of bunn come and there is alot of squted trucks there 1 truck that is clapped the fuck out and maybe has like a 10 in lift kit on a shitty ass truck with stock rims

  3. that a nice collection of alabama fresheners tho / ugly why help i dont want anti cancer mammy plz help its horrible its digusting so plz hel pme i am in grate kpain in need help for am i m in grate pain its hurting my eyes

  4. To the guys in that first vid with their squatted trucks you look like complete idiots even the girls on the back were like wtf did I get myself into

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