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I saw this video 3 days ago and I’m still creeped out…
Shoutout to Keeps! Go to to get 50% off your first order of hair loss treatment.

00:00 Explanation of Show
00:20 Zaid Freestyles the News
03:24 Monday Reactions (Elon Musk & Twitter Fallout)
06:14 Tuesday Reactions (Andrew Tate, True Geordie, Hypocrisy, Voting Experiences,
08:14 Keeps Supports the Show with a tasty lil sponsorship
08:58 Wednesday Reactions (Casey Anthony & Peacock, Nikita Dragun, Australian Scams, Midterm Reactions)
Click down below to deep dive into any of these stories:
10:59 Thursday Reactions (Pokimane Nude Scams, Interview Reactions, Tom Brady FTX, Trump losing control over GOP to Desantis)
12:48 Stories that were overlooked this week (Ukraine Kherson, Teen Jumps out of Uber, Family leaves their child in dog kennel overnight, The Creepiest Stalker Ever)

This weeks beats are by BTMJ and Budi

Pokimane Says Scammer Tried to Get Her to Send Explicit Photos
SNL Writers Reportedly Boycotting Dave Chappelle as Host
Twitter Verification Rollout Cases More Confusion
FTX Crypto Exchange Collapses
Tech Ethicist Tristan Harris Discusses Council For Responsible Social Media
Dem. Strategist Faces Backlash For Suggesting Lauren Boebert Join OnlyFans
Trump is Losing His Grip on the GOP

Key Takeaways from the 2022 Midterms
Peacock Faces Calls for Boycott After Announcing Casey Anthony Docuseries
Nikita Dragun Held in Men’s Unit Following Arrest
Meta Lays Off More Than 11,000 Employees
Twitter Rolls Out Gray ‘Official’ Check Marks, Almost Immediately Reverses Course
Hackers Leak the Health Records of 10 Million Australians After Ransom Stand-Off

True Geordie Apologizes to Andrew Tate Over “Islamophobic” Comments
Nikita Dragun Arrested
National Parks Service Wants People to Stop Licking Toads
Polish Leader Blames Low Birth Rate on Women Drinking
U.S. and Canada See Shortage of Amoxicillin
It’s Election Day, Hit The Polls!

Ethan Klein, Kathy Griffin, More Suspended From Twitter Over Musk Impersonations
Carvana Stock Plummets As Used Car Prices Stabilize
South Korea Miners Rescued After Being Trapped for Nine Days & Living Off Coffee
Trump’s Criticism of DeSantis Could Cause Division in GOP
The Midterms Are Tomorrow But We May Not Know Results for a While

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TEXT ME: +1 (813) 213-4423
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Produced by: Cory Ray
Beats by BTMJ and Budi
Edited by: James Girardier, Zaid Tabani, Julie Goldberg, Maxwell Enright, Christian Meeks
Art Department: Brian Borst, William Crespo
Writing/Research: Philip DeFranco, Brian Espinoza, Zaid Tabani,
Music/Lyrics: Zaid Tabani
Production Team: Emma Leid
#DeFranco #BellaPoarch #LoganPaul


Philip DeFranco

About Post Author

Philip DeFranco

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31 thoughts on “Exposed as The Creepiest Man On The Internet, Bella Poarch, Logan Paul, Elon Musk, Pokimane, & More

  1. LOL phil a lying youtuber calling a self made richist man in the world a loser. Project much Phil? I don't even care about Elon I just find it funny how he went from Hero to Zero with you wokesters because he is trying to stop censoring free speech.

  2. As an adult survivor of child abuse, I hope those parents suffer long and hard and I hope their on the hook for every shred of therapy that baby will ever need for forever. Just force them to suffer from the exact abuse they caused.

  3. Hi Phil! I might be too late for you to see my comment, but I’m behind on your videos. When you were talking about that stalker creep and said you didn’t know what it’s like to be a woman, I wanted to share with you a quote that I think sums up the difference between what it’s like to move through the world as a woman vs a man. “Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.”

  4. You are just the king of putting Bella Poarch in your thumbnails and video titles when she has absolutely no bearing on anything in the show. Someone could just say her name with no relevance in a video and you would put her in the thumbnail and add her name to the video title and tags. I need to know why you do this every time. It's actually driving me insane. It makes no fucking sense. Why are you doing it specifically with her?

  5. What a crazy mixtape mother fucker! Put that dude in a psych ward or in jail. Wow. Also, I would have liked to hear more about that girl who jumped out of a moving vehicle. Gotta find out what exactly caused her to fear for her life like that.

  6. For that last story, I saw the video on BOZE's channel and it blows my mind how stupid the dude is to go to the police because he believed he wasn't stalking her and that the girl's dad was the one harassing smh. Also, Brady on the other hand, I HIGHLY dislike him.
    • Crying like a baby when the EAGLES tackled him
    • Couldn't shake the EAGLES' hands when they beat him
    • He went to visit the White House when the cheddar face was in office…
    • He A BITCH 👀😎

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