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Check Out This Week’s Rap-Up:

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Get More Phil:

00:00 – Ethan Klein, Kathy Griffin, More Suspended From Twitter Over Musk Impersonations
06:13 – Carvana Stock Plummets As Used Car Prices Stabilize
07:30 – South Korea Miners Rescued After Being Trapped for Nine Days & Living Off Coffee
08:23 – Sponsored by Vessi
09:11 – Trump’s Criticism of DeSantis Could Cause Division in GOP
11:52 – The Midterms Are Tomorrow But We May Not Know Results for a While


Ethan Klein, Kathy Griffin, More Suspended From Twitter Over Musk Impersonations:

Carvana Stock Plummets As Used Car Prices Stabilize:

South Korea Miners Rescued After Being Trapped for Nine Days & Living Off Coffee:

Trump’s Criticism of DeSantis Could Cause Division in GOP:

The Midterms Are Tomorrow But We May Not Know Results for a While:
Produced by: Cory Ray
Edited by: James Girardier, Julie Goldberg, Maxwell Enright, Christian Meeks
Art Department: Brian Borst, William Crespo
Writing/Research: Philip DeFranco, Brian Espinoza, Maddie Crichton, Lili Stenn, Chris Tolve, Star Pralle
Production Team: Emma Leid
#DeFranco #EthanKlein #MoistCr1TiKaL


Philip DeFranco

About Post Author

Philip DeFranco

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22 thoughts on “Ethan Klein Nuked From Orbit, The Ban Makes Sense, Elon Musk, Trump Slaps Desantis, & Midterms Chaos

  1. Phil you're not center left, you're far left, you lie all the time, also tax billionaires? You realize most Billionaires support the left? You're not very bright

  2. Wait
    So if Phillip hates billionaires then why was he schilling a vaccine that did nothing to stop the infection or transmission of COVID-19.
    The largest economic gap between the 1% and lower income people is the highest it has ever been since the pandemic and its lockdowns.
    In fact it is due to the pandemic and lockdowns.
    Is Phillip finally going to admit how wrong he was about the pandemic and Covid-19??
    After two years of playing messenger for the leftist media?

  3. I don’t use Twitter. I’m a small business owner but use Instagram and will use tiktok soon. I’m not racing into any platform, because as far as I’m concerned they’re all cruddy.

    But this?? The ONLY incentive I had to get a twitter was to someday be verified and receive the blue check mark. There’s legitimately no value in advertising on twitter otherwise. So why even bother at this point?

    I’m living for these fake accounts, like the Eli Lilly thing. The person who discovered insulin wanted it to be free. And instead we have money hungry people who have never worked a day in their lives dictating the of a FREE medication.

  4. I did myself a favour and save up 8 dollars every month for coffee with my friends, which seems more meaningful to me than a scoial media subscription. I am afraid though that he may give other social media owners ideas…

  5. I laughed when Phil said he tries to be very fair in his reporting. 95% of his political reporting has the left's agenda in mind and is always taking shots at the right at EVERY opportunity. When was the last time he had someone from the right interviewed on his show? That's right… zero.

  6. As if it wasn't obvious enough, Musk's only goal is to create a Tech Oligarchy and he pushes this idea of ''Oh it is democracy and free speech…if you have the money. And ones who have the most money rules and get the most benefits''…It is the insane 'Tech Feudalism' that these bastards crave to have.

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