18+older. Got a few blunts from Baysmokes.com to try out. These babies are legal and ship right to your front door. The initial smell was pleasant and smelled of fresh green weed. The first taste was good but the airflow ended up being compromised so we chewed off the wood tip and commenced to blazing! about halfway through the relaxing feeling hit me so we kept going. The blunt hit good at first but then it ended up getting so full of resin! We smoked it as long as we could then opened it up to see the fresh resiny flower. ENJOY!!!
Get your Delta 8 blunts and more at https://baysmokes.com
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Does YouTube tell you how long you followed a YouTuber for?
Nice video bro I’ve been following you forever ago
You rolled it dope af
Healthiest man on planet he doesn't have red blood cells no more all of them transitioned into white ones
Cannabis patients and adults
There are some kids with cancer that has been smoking weed and it actually helped. Chemo therapy is so hard on your body and if you do get chemo therapy then you can also smoke weed it has lots of health benefits it raises heart rate your white blood cell count goes up to help fight of affections.
Pls like this comment get the message out there
Sheeeesh he lives
all delta 8 pre rolls suck
Hell yeah dude
Any og weedtubers remember this channel where it was 3 dudes, one guys name was toph? What was that channels name?
Delta 8 taste like resin and gives me headaches
u showed me alot of dope shit
i started watching you when i was a kid around god knows 16 and now im 20 Im happy that u still post alot of memories with your videos ALOTTTTTT
In this review, he NEVER said if he got high off this delta8, or how it made him feel. Did you get stoned?
Lol the coughing, delta 8 smoke is so harsh compared to delta 9.
Alright mon we see you mon. We know you got the lungs mon alright. Let’s see a soil grown vs hydroponic grown bud vid. Cmon mon let’s bust one mon maybe even some wax mon cmon mon
I’m so serious about this what is delta 8?
Bro ur hair fam
This stuff safe to smoke? Is the high the same as regular bud?
Did he blow his voice out. Years back watching this his intro was full…not all headvoice
All smokers feel free to check out our page

Dope vid.
Lots of rez lol
ayoooooo it's been so long since I watched you hahaha
Still going hard!
Garcia Vega old school lol
sup joel, u da best!!!
That resin is what makes it smoke badly Mr Jolie, I always had this problem until I stuck a tiny screwdriver through my roach/tip/filter to clear it all through. Much love from the UK, me and my brother used to watch you years ago when we first started smoking
i use to roll them and optimo green
anyone know how much those blunts are? was that a hemp wrap?
Dude sold out
I don't think I've ever seen Jolie light up a joint or blunt properly lol.
Make some custome grow 420 shirts

Do the video on the green games ma boiii
This dude looks like a pothead Ron Jeremy
Shit man you funny
Hell yeah bro get it
I’m stuck on memory lane rn I’m so glad ur still up and running around and making vids. As a kid I’ve watched your channel for hours. Great to see u still doing the thing ! An it’s badass even after ages later you’re videos are still just like it was when I was a kid ! Props fam

Green leaf That brings me back
That junk look like a clacc,
The wood piece and the wrap
You were the first weedtuber I ever started watching when I first started getting into weed when I was like 15 now I’m 21 time flies
Wat up wat up bust another spliff everyone
Nice video CustomGrow420
been watching your videos for a while bro
so dumb
Liked after you brought the og Garcia Vegas up.. gotta reconstruct those but last long
I always just loved the intro