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In this episode, Kevin discusses the history of Walt Disney’s childhood amusement park, Kansas City’s Electric Park and all of its attractions, including Hale’s Tours of the World, the Loop the Loop Coaster, and Alligator Joe.
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Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed the episode! One correction, the first photo showed is actually NOT a photo of Buffalo Bill Cody but a photo of the similar looking Wild Bill Hickok which would be a much funnier mistake if it wasn't the first image of the video. Regardless, have aa great week and make sure to hit that bell icon or whatever. Thanks!
Ferd Heim was my great great great grandfather! thanks for this video
2:35 as a Kansas Citian, seeing what used to be on Main here really hurts
the lines and their delivery in this video is incredible
No fucking way Alligator Joe is real. Thats gotta be some kind of Florida inside joke. Right???
What happened to Dorothy?
I love the fact that Disney was a foamer. Long love the Disney Railroad
I swear all airships ever do is fall.
Alligator Joe sounds like a Florida Man alright
“St. Louis, Illinois and Kansas City, Missouri” is a terrible sentence and I’m sorry to all the non-Americans who have to deal with our BS
"The famous Floridian, Alligator Joe."
Yeah, that fits.
This is fantastic
6:55 I don't think that's how you make pools…
I'm sorry, a goat ranch?
Instead of killing buffalo, what about RIDING a buffalo of all things?
Gotta start binging this whole series brb
Alligator Joe is proof that Florida men have always and will always, continue to exist
These are always so well done! A nice slice of history! Shame so many people in history like Buffalo Bill were complete ass.
Alligator Joe was such a badass, that the only battle he could lose was with neumonia.
5:15: So, the police basically went "This is definitely a problem, but solving it would be hard and no rich people are hurt, so let's not."
The more things change…
Great vid Defunctland, fascinating to see Walt's inspiration.
I've been bitten by the defunctland bug! I love your humor. Watching all episodes until I drop
Electric Park reminds me a lot of Ohio's COney Island in Cincy. My grandpa lived right next door and most of his family worked there, letting him take as many tokens from the buckets as he could fit in his two fists back in the 30's. and then go jump off the no longer existing tippy top of the high dive at the pool. Dunno where you normally take requests, but man a vid on That Coney Island, Moonlight Gardens and Sunlight Pool from it's original era would really be a treat someday
2:25 "Created by Kevin Perjurer" Nice fake name. Perjury means to lie under oath.
i guess you could say the idea was really bright? eh? eh? ehhhhhh..
Hats off to Alligator Joe.