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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.

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Gas can in back of vehicle
Last clip – Bengregers via ViralHog

Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!

0:00 Intro
0:05 2021 Ford Bronco with the 2.7L EcoBoost.
I talked to the technician who filmed this and he said they are replacing it with a new long block and a new turbo.
What you see coming out of the oil pan is a mix of water + engine oil.
You can’t compress a liquid, so when you have water in the engine, you won’t be able to start your vehicle and will 99% of the time bend connecting rods and damage your engine.
0:23 No extra info from the technician who filmed this. However, I wonder if this is a recall. The vehicle was a Genesis (not sure about the model though.)
0:42 The technician said the lower control arm ended up breaking because the control arm bushings were worn and the customer kept driving their vehicle like that for a while. It’s not because they hit a curb. He’s said he’s seen this a lot while working at BMW and wanted me to tell others that if you hear a weird/abnormal noise coming from your vehicle, to get it checked out asap.
0:58 The viewer who sent this in said the following: “This 2018 4runner came in for an oil change, rotate, and tire repair. After bringing the tire down, I saw that there was a square-shaped cut in the tire’s sidewall. I heard something getting tossed around in the tire, I looked inside the hole with a flashlight and saw a small bag of some sort of white substance. Told my boss and he turned the customer away.”
1:15 The customer had their vents closed with the AC on, which air will try to push through the vents causing the whistling noise. The technician opened the vents and it fixed the customer’s concern.
1:22 Technician said: “was two years ago but I believe the intercooler piping was pinched due to customer driving over something and backed up.”
1:35 The viewer who sent this in said the other shop was actually another branch of his. Looks like somebody kept installing new brake pads but didn’t worry about the thickness of the brake rotor.
1:49 As mentioned. If I hear an update on the exact cause I’ll let you guys know.
However, it looks like the clutch release bearing and clutch got very hot!
2:04 A customer held up their muffler with some sort of cord. If it works it works I guess! Look’s like the muffler has been dragging a bit from the looks of things.
2:12 No extra info but this seems to be happening quite often.
2:21 The viewer who sent this in said: “2014 BMW X1 sent to our shop by a local body shop with the service comment “left front seems lower than right” when I put it up in the air I found out that the bottom of the spring had sheered off and that the spring was now wrapped around the swaybar end link and was rubbing on the tire. Not sure why the body shop wasn’t able to figure this out the ride height was an inch lower and when you tried to press down on that corner it felt like the suspension was a block of wood.”
2:35 The technician said the customer ended up getting the wheel repaired and a new tire installed.
The sidewall damage is caused by something called Tire zipper. More info here –
2:46 Person who filmed it said: “”The event took place at Rufford Mill Ford, North Nottinghamshire. The owner of the vehicle didn’t realize the depth of the water and his approach deemed to be far too quick, resulting in the engine being hydro locked and the car being written off.”
3:01 Outro. Thanks for watching!


Just Rolled In

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36 thoughts on “Customer States Went Off Roading In Ford Bronco And Now It Won’t Start | Just Rolled In

  1. My father in law taught my girl friend (wife today) to drive a clutch back in the 70s. If she kept her foot on the clutch, he would slap her knee. It's either on or off used to shift and get going, not a footrest.

  2. I hydrolocked a rental car one time… Toyota Camry…. driving into a deep puddle in a parking lot on rainy day. I was only about a mile from my apartment. I called a friend who took me to my apartment got my tools came back pulled the spark plugs. Water shot up of the spark plug holes literally like geysers.

    Put the spark plugs back in and everything was fine. Drove it the remainder of the rental period, and turned it in. Never bothered to look at the oil. It was a rental for work so it had the loss and damage waiver anyway

  3. I always love your channel! #1 the content is just so comical watching the insane things people do! #2 You keep your videos short and sweet! (Most channels just rave on and on!) Keep up the great content. I know where to come for a good laugh! Top marks, and yes I did like and am subscribed.

  4. 2:46 I unfortunately did this in my civic a while back. It certainly didn't look that deep or have ducks on it but it was enough to get water in the intake. Every light on the dash went off and the car ran like crap for 10 min. Started running OK but all lights still so I took it home and disconnected the battery and boom! good as new! No issues since.

  5. Ill never understand why people think it’s a good idea to drive in deep water in a vehicle that doesn’t have a snorkel. Have you tried to breath water? No? Well, it sucks, because breathing water hurts like hell because your lungs aint built to breath water. Guess what? YOUR ENGINE AINT BUILT TO BREATH WATER EITHER, FOOL!!!

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