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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.

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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:

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2nd clip – Latonya Lark via ViralHog
Interesting interior –

Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!

0:00 Intro
0:05 This is on a 2019 GMC Sierra (RWD). The driveshaft on these trucks is made out of aluminum. The technician says he’s not quite sure how this driveshaft broke but will update us once we find out.
It’s possible that the driveshaft had a bad u-joint or something in the rear end locked up then twisted the driveshaft.
0:22 This clip was actually posted on the news.
More info here
0:35 No extra info.
0:54 The technician said he can’t find any signs of abuse on this truck. He thinks the customer could have driven in 4X4 for a while which caused the damage. He said Ford wants the transfer case rebuilt (under warranty).
1:16 No extra info. This looks to be from a Chevy Cobalt.
1:34 As mentioned this is a safety feature that got added to these trucks. It recall E17. More information here –
1:50 The Technician said: “2016 Isuzu N Series Diesel. Flicking Turn Signal stalk, either way, causes doors to lock only and have to manually unlocked by pressing the door lock switch. Potential wiring issue.”
2:04 The technician said this was driven in like this. The caliper bracket bolts were stripped and the caliper brackets were damaged as well.
2:19 No extra info.
2:45 He said they have no clue where the customer was in the US when this happened.
3:01 No extra info.
3:22 The person who filmed this said they aren’t quite sure on the HP + Torque as the customer had the engine detuned while he waits for a new transmission. But thinks it’s around 700HP and close to 700 pound-feet-of torque.
3:32 Outro. Thanks for watching!


Just Rolled In

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Just Rolled In

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45 thoughts on “Customer States Truck Will Not Move When In Gear (GMC Sierra) | Just Rolled In

  1. 1:47 I feel like that would be illegal because it is honking while unauthorised and causing affray. Why not just activate the car alarm like some cars do when you lock the door with the door open?

  2. I had a customer come in with a camaro looking exactly like that! Had stickers on the windows and his Instagram handle lol. He declined repairs of course and towed it home.

  3. Do people think covering the warning lights makes them go away, or do they just figure they'll drive the car until it won't drive anymore and get all the damage fixed at once?

  4. I really want to see those people fixing breaks with zip ties and duct tape on a gauge cluster. Are these people just that old and delusional? Maybe they are looking to die? They have to think something doing this. And I really want to know what exactly

  5. From my experience, Aluminum doesn't like to be torqued because it's so soft and also tapped also because it is so soft.
    You can hammer a thin sheet of it into all kinds of gnarly shapes but that's not good for building huge structures out of. Huge meaning, bigger than a mattress box.

  6. Okay, I definitely pulled the gaffer's tape over warning lights! one was on our mid 90s E320 (CEL) and then my own first car (95 Accord.) Not a real car person but there was nothing wrong with the E320 after repeated shop trips and my Accord was probably counting down to 200K for a spectacular explosion at that point.

  7. i told a guy one time that had a drive shaft drop down on him because something happened to the universal joint.. i told him "well it could be worse man" and he was like "how i gotta go here and be there for blah blah.. i was like well "it could have been 4 wheel drive…" and he was like "oh………OHHHH….. yeah, you right…" lol..

  8. Be great to send that Camaro core block to ‘I do Cars’ Utube channel for him to do an engine tear down video. The carnage inside the block would be interesting to see.

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