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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.

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Other shop fixed oil leak and want it checked over –
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Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!

0:00 Intro
0:05 The technician said the head bolts were loose as well and that the customer just wants to get new head gaskets + head bolts even though the engine needs a lot more work. You should never use RTV silicone (room-temperature-vulcanizing silicone) on head gaskets and follow all manufacturer-recommended steps and the torque sequence when installing head bolts.
0:33 Customer drove this in. As you can see the front wheels are straight and the steering wheel is 180 degrees. So they must have hit quite the pothole. I didn’t get any more information from the technician.
0:46 2013 Ford F-150 with 68000 miles / 109435 kilometres on it.
The viewer who shared the clip said the electrical connectors going to the electric rack and pinion were all full of water.
The rack and pinion will need to be replaced, reprogrammed (since it’s electric), and an alignment will need to be done.
0:59 No extra info from the viewer who sent this in. I’ve seen differentials break like this because they are the stock differential on a truck that has had the engine upgraded and the stock differential can’t handle the power., so maybe that is the cause for this.
1:14 Dodge Challenger with the 5.7L Hemi. No extra info.
1:24 A very rusty box on a GMC Sierra. It was removed and replaced with a new one.
1:32 No extra info from the viewer who sent this in. However, I have never seen this before! In a previous episode, I showed a brake pad that was installed backward from the factory but this is a first.
1:47 The Pepsi bottle is how much oil was inside the engine and it has no leaks from what the technician said. The engine is also knocking and will need to be rebuilt/replaced.
2:03 No extra info from the technician. Looks like the other shop used JB weld to try and “fix” a leak.
2:14 This was on a 2003 Toyota Prius. The viewer who sent this in said the tire was originally at 120 PSI/8.27 BAR.
2:21 2003 Ford Fiesta. The viewer said he got some used parts from a scrap yard and managed to fix the window for the customer.
Looks like the previous owner had an issue with the window regulator and decided to just use some wood to hold up the window and did not disclose it to the new owner.
2:32 The owner of the vehicle didn’t know how to turn on the AC. However, I’ve seen this a lot since the salesperson who sells the vehicle to the customer never show’s them how to use certain features and functions. Cars and getting fancier and have a lot more features and a lot of customers don’t know how to use them unless they are otherwise shown. Also, a good idea to read your owner’s manual when you buy a new vehicle.
2:52 No extra info.
3:15 Outro. Thanks for watching!


Just Rolled In

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Just Rolled In

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28 thoughts on “Customer States Truck Might Need New Head Gaskets (GMC TopKick) | Just Rolled In

  1. Wtf head gaskets are not expensive enough to get all the way down to the block……and just slather the old ones in RTV. Come tf on. If you have the skill to take it apart, you must know that’s a stupid idea.

  2. That limo clip is why I always chock the front and rear of BOTH wheels at the opposite end of the car, when I have my car lifted up. The car on a normal day sits low enough to crush my chest and skull with no alterations to its clearance. I don't want it rolling forwards OR backwards while I'm underneath and wrenching on it.

  3. 2:14 oh boy does this remind me of a story. I went and bought a car at auction, but when I got it home I noticed a tire looked a little flat. Checked it, 25/40 PSI, filled it then i figured "guess I'll check the rest". I cant even tell you what the two front tires were because my gauge only goes up to 80PSI and it maxed out quick.
    Normally I wouldnt be so quick to call people idiots, but it literally says on the fuckin tires "40PSI"

  4. I seriously think these people think they will get their car problems fixed for free if they drive it in and state what they think the problem is. Why do they bring the issue in, describe exactly what they think is wrong. Then refuse to fix anything when they are told what the problem is? I think they strategize like that, or try pulling some scam where “you made the problem worse so you have to fix it”

  5. I've seen the same thing as that limo happen to a 2 million dollar Beechcraft. A guy was washing it on a particularly windy day, didn't chock it and it just started to roll away from him. Luckily there were people there to stop it.

  6. On th e insanely high tire pressure. I once had my Toyota Tundra pickup serviced at a dealer. It included an oil change and tire rotation. On the way home the truck felt like driving a giant jumping bean. I checked the tire pressures and the rears had like 50 psi in them. Should have been 32. Have no idea how that happened, maybe the lot boy filling the tires. I did squawk to the service manager, who apologized.

  7. where was the guy working on the limo trying to run off to? tryna stop the limo from rolling by pushing it from the back? absolute genius

  8. Topkick owner is lucky that he's got a 6.6 in it. That's literally the only part of the truck you can find parts for.

    God help you if you have a Topkick with the inline six diesel. Other than some basic maintenance items, there are zero parts available for those trucks.

    And yet… my customers ignore me when I tell them to sell or scrap the stupid things because they're as unserviceable as Saabs and iPhones.

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