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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
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1st clip – https://www.instagram.com/thebigbluebeast/
2nd clip – https://www.tiktok.com/@offroadcrazy102
3rd clip – N/A via ViralHog
Oil filter never changed at quick lube – https://www.tiktok.com/@ignacionachoroldan
Last clip – https://www.tiktok.com/@obsessedmechanic
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro
0:05 2014 Ford F-350 (Powerstroke). Always not a good idea to stack
leaf spring blocks like this to lift the rear end of your truck. It would be recommended to just have a one-piece block or add more leafs to the leaf spring.
0:23 The technician said he and the customer had a good laugh at this. He did not look what the food was.
0:35 Cockroaches inside of a customer’s vehicle.
0:45 2022 Ford F-350 Powerstroke (6.7 Litre Diesel). If I get more information from the viewer, I’ll share it in a future video.
1:04 The shop that found the oil leak said the other shop only changed the engine oil and that’s it. They changed the oil filter, cleaned up the oil filter cartridge, and told the customer to go back to the quick lube shop to get their money back.
1:20 Those are mustang caliper covers on a 2019 Nissan Altima.
1:29 The technician said: “C/S there is a vinegar smell coming from the A/C vent. This is on a brand new 2021 BMW X6M50i with around 6,000 miles on it. The compressor internally blew up which released its innards of it into the entire A/C system. The entire system needed to be replaced, including the evaporator. This is the third brand new car in the past month that has seen this exact issue and the case numbers seem to be going up from here.”
1:48 No extra info from the technician who worked on this vehicle, but he said this was on a GMC Yukon.
2:02 2019 Jeep Grand Cherokee. The date code on the tires was 2015.
2:15 The technician said he replaced the battery cables and washer fluid reservoir.
2:22 This is usually from rodents needing somewhere warm to live or build a nest. Always important to check your vehicle and engine bay after having a vehicle or RV parked for a long period of time.
2:33 1959 Corvette Hardtop convertible.
2:41 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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Hope you guys have a great weekend!
Submit photos/clips @ http://www.justrolledinyt.com
Edit – Had to edit 1 out clip after video was posted, sorry in advance!
wow that corvette was beautiful!
Yep, i'm with the tech concerning those bugs…. I would tell them to fumigate it before bringing it back. YIKES! I've seen less bugs in the forest.
good lord! Some people should not own a vehicle!!! Makes me wonder if they are even capable of feeding themselves.
@0:36 Nope. But congrads. Your local cockroach population just got an infusion of new genes.
Was that a thunder chicken at the end??
Some ppl REALLY hate cars
How many people go-to a garage instead of just opening the hood and having a look.
Rule of thumb for double stacking lift kit blocks.. Don't do it, but if you do at least weld them rogether!! That is exactly the reason why
Can u imagine being so rich and clueless that you don’t even bother to open the hood, just bring it in and pay someone.
I like these videos where the thumbnail is the very first clip showing. No bullshit clickbait thumbnails
This video just reminded me to fill up my washer fluid
Yo bmw would be giving me a new car
Nice Vette
Well…….There’s you problem!
If you park out side and don’t drive your vehicle for a while,sometimes critters will nest under the hood or in the frame,don’t ignore that burning smell.
That yellow thing at the end caught me.
One way to keep rodents out of things that will be setting for a while is to place dryer sheets around the inside of it or flakes of Irish spring soap works too. Just make sure you take it out when you use it.
Gotta bite the bullet (pun intended) and start changing my oil myself.
So many broken new Fords on the channel.
2:22 What the heck? Do people not know how to open the hood?
I think people who couldn't even look under the hood of their RV themselfs after it stood a while shouldn't drive an RV
So many of these people could save some time and money by just taking a look under the hood.
I hope my AC is never shot
Sweet vette
I wouldn't touch that bug infested car. I'd tell the customer to gtfo
@1:53: It must be really nice to live in a country with more guns than inhabitants.
Think about this:
Do you remember American Civil War, WWI, WWII, the Korean war, the Vietnam war, Afghanistan ?
Since 1945 way more US citizens has been killed from gunshots fired by fellow US citizens that all US soldiers killed in all wars.
Now you have to identify the real enemy: Who kills most US citizens?
Please show more photos of customers cars
BMW = Bring My Wallet
These lift kits on these pickups is a more annoying fad than the riced out civics 15 years ago.
2:08 looks to me like that tire and a deep puncture and the rubber separated after that
What was the yellow car at the end of the clip ,it looked a beauty
Greetings from Germany,
is it common for you american mechanics to notice Bullet holes in a Vehicle?
I mean i cant imagine what the F goes through you mind seeing this!
Who the hell shoots a car on broad daylight?
And why the F does not the customer tell u that?
Is it because the customer is in a gang or smth?
Wont the police getting suspicious?
that person with the RV, look like they were ready for a campfire under the engine cover.
1:29 that’s ok, since I
1:20 I wonder why on so many different levels…
I can't believe the bullet is intact!
Recently had a Valvoline shop change my oil and cause a huge oil leak. they 1) used a plain steel washer for the gasket 2) that had a huge inside diameter yet too small outside diameter 3) tightened it enough to start stripping threads- and the washer wasn’t even lined up straight (due to huge inside diameter).
Hate to have quickie shops change when I’m busy, as they regularly snap my skid plate bolts, but sometimes you just dont have time
That Lemon Yellow '59 Corvette at the end is gorgeous!!!
I find it remarkable how common bullets holes are in US cars…
1:21 Tasteless moron!
Sure are lot of people getting shot at.
I've seen the double oring on the oil filter multiple times.
Fascinating. Humans are a pox on the planet and it all comes together here of all places.
What is with America and shooting cars?
I live next to an outdoor mountainous area where theres a bunch of staggered rocky hills (this is AZ) where people frequently shoot. Its so easy for someone to not know how dangerous it is being on the next spot over from someone else, as they can get hit by their ricochets that are flying up and over the mountains behind them. Ill bet that at least one of the people with a bullet hole problem on this channel have had that happen out there or in a similar circumstance at a similar range
I'll start by saying if something seems off or wrong have it checked immediately. My sister only lives about 4 blocks from me, texted & said she just got her oil changed & now the oil light flashes when she turns right. I told her just come over & I'd check on things. She waited a few weeks before taking it back to the dealer. The dealership did the oil change & didn't put the filler cap back on. Human mistake, I get it but my sister almost let it go to long. The whole under carriage was just covered.