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Welcome to Just Rolled In!

For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.

Hope you enjoyed the video and please consider subscribing. Thanks for watching!

If you want to submit your customer states photos/videos or car pictures, you can do so via our website.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:

Just Rolled In Merch (all profit from merch sales donated to local foodbank)

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1st clip – Didn’t want to be credited.
3rd clip –
4th clip –
Last clip – Anonymous via ViralHog

Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!

0:00 Intro
0:05 As mentioned this was on a customer’s custom golf cart (hence the big tires). I’ve seen this before in an engine (caused by coolant mixing with engine oil – internal leak) but never in a differential. Maybe they used different gear oils for the differential and it caused this to happen. Please let us know what you think may have caused this.
0:23 On a lot of vehicles you need to lower the subframe to install a new power steering rack. So whoever did that must have rerouted the power steering lines or didn’t pay attention when re-installing everything. The lines rubbed through the cv axle, subframe, and serpentine belt which caused a leak and no power steering. The customer did not install the power steering rack and it was actually done at another shop, just in case you’re wondering.
0:40 Whoever did the oil change, drained the transmission fluid instead of the engine oil, and added oil to the engine. As shown on the dipstick the oil is very much past the full mark. With no fluid in the transmission, it won’t operate as intended. When I worked at Ford, we actually had this exact same thing happen after a customer got their oil changed at a quick lube place (they paid for a brand new transmission).
0:52 No extra info. The technician just said that the customer is lucky to be alive.
1:16 No extra info from the technician. If you look at this website you can see a photo of where the parts for the hybrid system are located.
1:35 No extra info.
1:44 The customer who owned this vehicle made it look like it had a manual transmission but it actually had an automatic.
2:01 No extra info.
2:09 The technician said: “As far as our technician can tell the parking brake got left on after the accident and then got pulled behind on the tow truck. The Jeep itself got sideswiped by a semi. Doubtful enough damage to do that brake damage though as the rim of the jeep just got scratched. ”
2:27 Rear brake pads on a 2017 Mercedes GLE 350 (55000 miles / 88513 kilometres). The wire you see going to the brake pads is a sensor to tell the customer when the brake pads should be replaced. Just a good reminder that a second opinion isn’t a bad thing and should be done as you could possibly save money getting it done elsewhere, or not actually need some work that was quoted.
2:41 The driver said: “I was minding my own business when a tire fell off a car and almost hit me.”
2:55 Outro. Thanks for watching!


Just Rolled In

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Just Rolled In

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26 thoughts on “Customer States Service Golf Cart | Just Rolled In

  1. One tiny point in your videos: I truly appreciate that you put the “km/h” values on screen whenever the narrator mentions mp/h. For the dozens of us living outside of the USA, we thank you 🙂

  2. Oh man, that last clip is the Patullo Bridge that crosses from Surrey to New Westminster. I used to drive that bridge daily for 10 years, so much crazy stuff would happen on it. At one point, there wasn't even those useless yellow pylons separating you from oncoming traffic. A number of death, countless accidents, yep saw it all on that nightmare of a crossing!

  3. I’m surprised to see all the clips of vehicles that have “ been shot”. I’m glad that I live in a part of the country called a ‘fly over state’ because we shoot back and don’t call 911.

  4. I have two ideas about how that first one happens:
    1. Someone poured in sugar somewhere to sabotage the owner. Pretty cheap and common way to express a grudge.
    2. The owner poured windshield wiper fluid in the wrong place.

  5. I go over that bridge every day where the wheel came off and hit the other car. Its called the Patullo Bridge going between Surrey and New Westminister. The bridge should have been replaced decades ago. Its in bad shape is prob why the wheel came off.

  6. I lost a wheel on the freeway just like that. Thankfully it didn’t even hit anything and I managed to recover the wheel 2 miles down the road when it hit the tunnel. The bad? It was the day I planned to purpose to my woman and we were far from home

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