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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
Anonymous via ViralHog
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro
0:05 Customer said he was driving around like this for a while, the technician could tell as well since the rear tires were wearing unevenly. As mentioned it was replaced under a recall on this customer’s Ford Windstar and should have been replaced a while ago when the customer got the recall notice.
0:21 Dog toy wrapped around CV axle. No dogs were harmed, just a toy.
0:37 Needed new rear brake rotors, pads, and calipers. As mentioned the customer declined the repairs. The customer declined to get a tow truck so the shop paid a tow truck to tow it away as it’s unsafe to drive. Also looks to have some front-end damage from possibly hitting stuff as the vehicle barely came to a stop.
0:56 A lot of curb rash and damage done to the wheels. No mention from the customer of how this happened.
1:12 The technician said: “insurance company is involved. Ended up replacing from and rear differentials as the fluid boiled since there was no fluid in the diff whatsoever.”
1:40 Cat was safe and brought back to the customer’s neighbor.
1:51 No extra info.
2:05 Damaged CV axle, wheel bearing (the customer said they somehow damaged it as well) and brake caliper were on the wrong side (bleeder screw should be at the top) and the brake line going to the caliper was loose.
2:21 The grease did not fix the issue. The customer got new brakes, rotors, and calipers installed.
2:28 No extra info.
2:41 “BMW 530i came in for a brake job he brought his own parts and said they were in the passenger side.”
2:47 No extra info. The 22-inch wheels however probably don’t help the vehicle’s ride quality.
2:58 ” I was driving eastbound on Broadway just past 7th street in South Phoenix. A red pickup passes me on the left, and the muffler/cat converter drops from the truck. I almost hit it, and couldn’t swerve right since there was a truck in the right lane.”
3:05 This was in a customer’s car. The mechanic was scared when this started to make noise when he was in the driver’s seat.
3:14 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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Submit yoru photos/clips at http://www.justrolledinyt.com
That was pretty damn good
Oh the windstar recall, how many of those did I have to do when that recall came out
Adding grease to brakes because of grinding…..why haven’t I thought of that???
So many of these are perfect arguments for regular state safety inspection, with cars like these being banned from traffic.
Why can't the repair shops simply notify the police? How are they allowed to release vehicles in this condition?
Car was totally rotted out and was still able to be driven…. I wonder what the brake and fuel lines looked like

In some states in the USA, if the car is deemed unsafe and the owner won't tow it away, the shop can ask law enforcement to come by and revoke/confiscate the plates… if you can't afford it… tow it home and watch youtube and figure out how to fix it.
Some of these people are absolutely disgusting! Not to mention deaf and brainless!
Any time a potential customer wants me to work on their car and it's a dumpster inside, I politely tell them they need to clean the vehicle out before I even work on it.
00:51 That is a top shelf shop in terms of business ethics. If the shop is willing to foot the bill for a tow to keep the customer and community safe they probably are not lying about the repairs needed. Even if some other shop might have been a little cheaper for the repairs or if I wanted to do it myself they would have earned by business right there.
I can tell who hasn't old an old GM crap car by how they pull on the door handle. You use the handle to gingerly pop the door open then you swing the door open by grabbing it elsewhere…then you wonder how many f*ck*ng handles they have made to suddenly forget!
bro i added grease to my brake pads, WHY ARE THEY STILL MAKING NOISE LMAO!!!!!!!! How tf is he stopping is my question ! lol
I replaced a customers tire and the old tire was filled with about a dozen balloons that were tied off but cut open and whatever was inside was gone but the customer didn't know how they got there.
Wait what?! No state safety inspections? You mean not all US states have regular mandatory safety inspections? Are you kidding?
This scares me
That poor jeep! I feel for the owner and I am so glad that it didn't do more damage.
How do customers this stupid function in their daily life?
Why refuse basic repairs if the vehicle is unsafe on the roads? I get that some people are living paycheque to paycheque but that’s not an excuse when you put everyone at risk because you’re too stupid/self destructive to care about anyone else. The laws need to be changed so that if a vehicle is clearly too dangerous to be on the road then it’s put into storage until the minimum of repairs are done.
Anything less than that should leave everyone, except the people and their vehicles that are damaged/destroyed, liable for all the costs – from the dangerous vehicle owner, to the garage that let them leave with the car, the cops for not stopping them immediately, and finally the State for not abiding by their own damn rules and regulations.
It never seases to amaze me how stupid people can be about cars.
Greased squeaky brakes! Haha. Don't they know you should use oil?
Lol lol

Man these brakes squeal bad. Must not be greased enough.
shop paid for a tow truck, damn a call to the cops would be cheaper, thank god the standards are higher in the uk and most of europe
That vehicle should have been towed in. But I think that the chassie would suffices as an E-Brake.
Rookie backyard mechanic here… scares me that people drive vehicles in such condition.. before I even started fixing my own cars, you just know not to drive when certain things happen..
You wouldn't drive with a hole in the chassis for long.. yet here we have people driving with the entire back end of the car held together by ratchet straps. What the actual!?
Some people REALLY shouldn’t try to work on their own vehicles.
That Camaro at the end looked sweet.
I’m pretty sure that’s just the condition ford makes and sells those windstars. That looked like showroom quality.
My brakes are grinding.
I think I’ll add some grease. That’ll fix the problem.
The Recall car nope we would tell them no way take it somewhere else