Welcome to Just Rolled In!
For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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If you want to submit your customer states photos/videos or car pictures, you can do so via our website.
(Not all content sent in will be used and it MUST be yours)
Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
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2nd clip – Anderson Automotive via ViralHog
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro
0:05 As mentioned the mechanics are unsure how this happened. We’ve seen somewhat similar “oil” like this in a couple of other videos and it happened due to using mixing oil additives together. Unsure if that’s what happened here, but it’s possible! Let us know what you think it might be.
0:23 Mechanic said: “A customer brought in a vehicle to have some work done and we found a snake in the fender well and had to remove it.”
0:38 Mechanic said: “It’s scrap. It’s a fairly new tractor so everything is electrical, and corroded like crazy. Every bit of exposed metal in the wiring looks terrible! It might get broken down into parts if some of the casings or the cab frame can be saved. If not it’ll get cubed.”
0:55 Viewer who sent in this clip said: “they felt a clunking when braking and heard a scraping sound. The car just had the entire right side suspension replaced due to an accident 3 weeks prior and came back in with similar damage on the same side. My coworkers and I suspect the customer slid into a curb as the wheels were really curb rashed and after I recorded that clip I found the rear suspension to be tweaked as well.”
1:07 The mechanic who filmed it said he thinks they tried using a brazing rod to try and repair the wheel.
1:15 The mechanic just installed this brand new master cylinder he got from a local parts store and found a hairline crack in it. He also said: “Cheap cast aluminum is porous because gas bubbles are trapped during manufacturing and this master cylinder is cheaply made.”
1:28 The viewer who shared this clip said he was confused on why anybody would install a used engine with a rusty oil filter and not even bother replacing the oil filter. He tried asking the customer more questions in regards to who installed the engine etc. but he said it was impossible to get any answers out of them.
1:41 No extra info.
1:49 Viewer who sent in it also said: “In the UK, this car is exempt from an annual test, so had it started, he would have tried to drive it. ”
From the looks and sounds of it, it seems like the customer actually tried doing the work himself but said he had a “specialist” do it. It would have made quite the noise if the customer ended up driving this on the roads. Good thing he came in for a check-over.
2:22 This technician found a mouse in this air filter box when he was checking the air filter.
2:28 2017 Dodge Ram 1500. A good reason to check under the hood of a vehicle you’re going to park for a while. As well I’ve heard that Peppermint oil is a great mouse repellent because, in high concentrations, it can be quite potent and mice have a very sensitive sense of smell.
2:42 No extra info. But this is definitely a first! I’m surprised the customer didn’t see this.
2:53 The customer told the shop that his gas pedal got stuck.
3:10 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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Next week sometime I'll be posting the best of May & June compilation (13 mins long I think it'll be) and a regular episode as I'll be taking a week off of being on the computer and will be replying to comments to a minimum.
Submit your photos/clips at http://www.justrolledinyt.com
Thanks for watching
1:42 I mean what do you say to the customer ?
I am trying so hard to grow corn in my garden and for this guy it's casually growing in his truck. fml
Just another reason why seniors would not be driving and yes that includes myself when I get to that age
3:04 okkkkkkkkkkkkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy
An acciden inside a shop. At least he doesn't need to get towed :I
Gdam that last dude was wildin out.
The first one is from massive amounts of a oil additive.
Somebody just got fired on that last one…don't bother listing that job on your next employment application…
I think the first clip is oil polimerisation caused by running the engine on vegetable oil as fuel.
Pretty amazing and funny
When should old people not be allowed to drive anymore?
How do you get a tractor stuck on the beach??? They have agricultural tires??
How on earth did they get an oil filter to rust through? You can't make anything immune to idiots because idiots are so inventive…
Don’t worry, there are dim but lovely people in Britain too. A friend of mine had an engine warning light come on and she took her car to a useless automotive chain. They couldn’t discover the problem and, through a dimwitted administrative error, she was sent to a main dealer twenty-five (that’s a long way in England) miles away. They had no knowledge of her so they then sent her to the main dealer five miles from her home. They diagnosed low oil. Nobody had checked her oil, and she told us she never put oil in until a red light came on. On hearing all this We gave up.
What the fuck did the driver outside of the shop not see the car in front of them on the rack or over the rock whatever you Gotta be kidding me dude
3:00 NO! I'M NEXT

0:20 That happened because the oil is OLD. It's coagulated.
Last guy: NO ITS MY TURN
I don't care how sexist it is: most women can't drive worth a damn or take care of their vehicles.
Moron at the end lol
that old guy realllyy needed his oil changed!
That last one is why I hate old people. Needs to be a yearly driving test.
Yeah, those wheel bearings were definitely installed by a VW professional and not the owner with no clue what he was doing
I love this channel aha
That last guy had a plane to catch and needed his oil changed ASAP
What in the world was up with the last clip??? Was that guy blind, angry or just mentally gone?
Snake looked nice. Calm