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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
Subscribed to 2nd channel – https://www.youtube.com/c/JustRolledOut
1st clip – https://www.tiktok.com/@subiecooper
2nd clip – https://www.tiktok.com/@jamjam42
3rd clip – https://www.tiktok.com/@smurftrax1
8-speed transmission blow-up – https://www.tiktok.com/@underestm8d
The vehicle customer bought and got inspected afterwards
Ford Bronco engine failure – https://www.tiktok.com/@kc.catalina
Lost coolant cap – https://www.tiktok.com/@mopar_masters
Throttle Body – https://www.ejmobilemechanics.com/2017 VW Passat
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro
0:05 The battery on a Dodge Charger is in the trunk, that’s why you see
the battery cable underneath the carpet. They got lucky it didn’t damage the wiring harness as that would have been an even more expensive fix. Usually to replace that harness you’d have to remove everything from the interior as well they’re lucky it didn’t spark and cause a fire.
0:19 That’s the oil pan that is smashed into pieces on this car. So that vehicle will need a new engine and whatever else was damaged on that vehicle.
0:32 No extra info from the technician. However, that is definitely not the way to do any sort of wiring, especially with staples in the fuel tank.
0:55 I asked the technician some more questions and this is what he said: “2015 hellcat, trans was brand new with 18 miles on it. Was warranty swapped from the dealer but the vehicle was stolen after being dropped back off at the dealer when the owner said it still wasn’t right. Turns out the trans gave out during the police chase at 170+ mph.”
1:11 The technician said he’s never seen this before working at Toyota. He said he thinks it might have been a manufacturer defect from the factory, but just now it broke. What you see in the clip is the fan + hub that bolts onto the water pump, which damaged the fan and fan shroud as well.
1:36 Unfortunately for the customer they got screwed over on this vehicle, but this is why it’s important to get a pre-purchase inspection.
The technician also mentioned it looked like they tried to hide the hole in the transmission with some JB weld, but it didn’t work. Also, some bolts for the transmission pan were sheared off.
The transmission mount most likely was broken when it was in an accident.
2:02 The viewer who sent it in said the following: “Actually really cool story. The customer’s son is an adult with special needs and this was his pet.
He fell asleep in the car with the snake around him where it usually stays and when he woke up it was gone. The customer had dropped the car off originally for an oil change but asked us to see if we could spot the snake.
My assistant manager and I spent almost 3 hours tearing the car apart to find it and my assistant decided at the last minute to check under the center console. There the snake was wrapped in a ball around the shifter assembly. We originally weren’t sure the snake had survived as it was only about 40 degrees Fahrenheit the night before. After removing the snake my assistant kept it In His jacket for over an hour until it started moving again. Needless to say really happy customers and we all felt great that it worked out for the best.”
2:13 KIA Sportage. These KIA’s have a lot of engine issues and recalls for certain engines. More info here – https://bit.ly/3P4Y3Pc
2:26 No extra info from tech. but this seems to be a very common issue on the new Ford Bronco’s. I haven’t heard of a recall at the time this video is posted but I’m sure there will be in the future.
2:38 Easy find for the technician!
2:46 2017 VW Passat. No extra info.
2:57 A very modified 1952 Chevy 3100 series. (Wanted to add more regarding this truck but can’t add more due character limit in description).
3:06 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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Have a great weekend!
"Customer brought in their car because they lost their snake in it."
Wow, gee, sorry to hear that. Hope you find your snake. I sure ain't going to be the one looking for it…
That truck at the end!!

That hood on that old chevy truck has me with many qestions.
Seems like the new bronco is a disaster for ford.
"Hole in the transmission."
But I'm pretty sure that was the torque converter. Could have happened at a worse place, for sure.
got my car back from the mechanic once and there was a horrible rattling under the hood. i opened the hood and the mechanic left one of their wrenches sitting on the motor.. he asked for it back and i's like "Nah"
Lowered car? He’s lucky the insurance company covered him at all.
2:28 about the bronco dropping valves, I think there is a recall for this issue? I forgot where I heard the info though.
Perhaps the cars coming in for inspection after purchasing the car should have come in BEFORE buying?
That was a cool idea with the hood
Would be awesome to get som casual interviews of the customers to see what kind of idiots they are
The clips make it a whole lot easier for me to understand how 35% of the American population think Joe Biden is doing a good job as President…….
You can probably do a whole episode on ford broncos
That truck at the end is mint
Why is it always the people with underglow…
0:07 the dude installed an extra non-factory standard spark plug
You keep using the same content in new videos. Must be running out of good material
These “I installed LEDs in mommas driveway” are the best
The majority of these vehicle owners should not be allowed to vote or have children.
2:43 wise, careful
2:45 well…
0:30 a pothole… size of what? a grave?
Or like we say in Germany "Plus auf Masse das knallt Klasse"
I just cannot get over on how ignorant a lot of people are as to their vehicles. WOW!
Why do u always have so much clips in multiple videos?
I know Ford likes to reconfirm it is the worst automotive company, but dropping a valve with only 1500 miles on the engine…. Ford you are out doing yourself.
Anytime you buy a used vehicle, take it to a dealer who sells that brand and pay for an inspection. Its cheap and you will know alot about the vehicles condition, if the seller tries to keep you away. Go find another vehicle. Wood blocks!! That is ridiculous
theres probably no such thing as a professional underglow install, is there?
Love the ones at the end but I know they’re never driven hard, raced or just let loose they’re show baby’s
what shop is like, "ya, no problem we'll find your lost snake"
0:22 that's a 1st gen mazda 3 for you, that shattered oil pan is not the problem, The real cause is that subframe is bent that's why they total the car. that car is made out of playdo, no joke.
None of this happens to a Tesla.
More examples of a non functioning natural selection process happening in our society
Lmaoooo lowering your car, hitting a pothole, and totaling your car. Genius.
Who hasn't lost a tiny plastic straw inside their engine?
Modern cars are made of crap metal.
i can*t help myself but i think most US Citizen are still dumb as a piece of butter
That water pump is why you don`t buy cheep Chinese parts .
Customer brings in car AFTER buying it. WRONG! Get it checked BEFORE buying it.