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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.

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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:


Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!

0:00 Intro
0:05 Whoever tried replacing the transmission, cut the exhaust, transmission cooler lines, and damaged fuel lines in the process. It was also missing the bell housing bolts and transmission cross member. The technician thinks it was the customer who tried replacing it as he wasn’t told which shop did this.
0:32 Just came in for a check engine light. As mentioned it was driven in with the passenger rear tire tilted inwards (negative camber). Most likely when it’s that titled inwards it’s from a suspension component breaking after hitting a curb or object.
0:44 The technician said this vehicle needed $2000 in parts + labor. The steering knuckle, wheel bearing, brakes, and cv axle needed to be replaced as well. It also needed 4 tires and 4 wheels as they were all corroded as shown in the clip.
1:02 The “leaf spring shackles” the customer installed are one’s I’ve seen used for trailers. Either way, the technician said the p/s rack was leaking, the inner tie rod ends were worn and all 4 ball joints were worn as well.
They did not do any of the repairs.
1:20 The customer’s son filled the coolant reservoir with washer fluid.
1:38 Dun Lop badging on a Pirelli Fire.
1:45 The customer’s spare key was left on the windshield cowl, so anytime the wipers were engaged the wipers would hit the key unlock or lock button on the key fob. The technician said he was very confused by this as he was thinking it was an issue with the BCM until he noticed the spare key on the cowl.
1:59 Two wheel studs were broken by whoever did the brakes, and the screws that are used to hold the rotor in place were installed in the wrong spot, which makes the head of the screw sticking out.
2:07 The technician said this was a while ago but if he recalls this was on a VW MK4. They sprayed some stuff on the ants, removed them, and replaced the fuel pump. The fuel pump is located underneath the other piece of carpet that is covered by ants.
2:20 Thought it was funny enough to share. The technician said the customer wanted this covered under warranty but their vehicle was over the warranty period. They declined repairs.
2:30 No extra info from the technician.
2:38 The engine on this VW (2.5 L they mentioned) got VERY hot! As mentioned the technician told the customer they had most likely done some damage to the engine, so they declined to get any further diagnosis and repairs done.
2:49 “customer states they had a bunch of work done including replacing the drive belt a few months back. Now they hear a noise from the engine.”
Not sure if it was actually done by a shop or the customer.
3:01 The technician said this is the weirdest thing he has ever seen/encountered but the customer made this demonstration to show his shop that their assist cameras are not working.
3:12 Outro. Thanks for watching!


Just Rolled In

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41 thoughts on “Customer States Another Shop Failed To Replace Transmission | Just Rolled In

  1. The one with fire ants under their rear set has me so paranoid because we have BAD fire ant problems over here now I’m gonna have to check under my family’s seats every summer now before I get in 😭 also how the heck did that even happen it looks like the entire colony is living in their car!

  2. Washer fluid, i did that. The mechanic laughed at me a little but explained that washer fluid needs to be filled often, not once every 2 months. Stupid beginner mistakes.

  3. PLease please americans! I have a question, Is legal to drive a car with so many dangerous damage on the road?, here in europe we have a place that you need to go every 2 years or every year and they check if everything is in order and let you go, any of the vehicles you show here would pass that test and they will remove the permit to drive until fixed.

  4. I wonder how often that "other shop" is located in customer's driveway and staffed by them, their mates and Master Instructor Jack Daniel's.

  5. The Fire Ant one. Holy crap how do you not notice THAT in your car?! Oh I about shit my pants at that one (if your from florida the horror is real folks). I live in Florida, and I mean don't get me wrong, I have a colony of humble red wood ants living in my car, have for over a year now. I let them stay because they keep OUT the fire ants! Thats right, I have a foreign legion of carpenter ants I have convinced to treat me and my car as their World! And it is a peaceful world.

  6. First off I'm eternally grateful for the customer that approved additional repairs. Second, I am happy to say I've now seen a customer purposefully hit rolls of toilet paper to demonstrate a concern

  7. Customers “don’t mention it” because they do not want to pay the diagnosis fee. Every line item has a separate diagnostic charge

  8. If USA only had strict car regulation like EU, but luckily they are beyond stupid to think about car safety and I get to enjoy these videos to continue to laugh at how beyond stupid they are and will always be

  9. Modern driver assist systems know the difference between a box in the road, a person, an animal, or a vehicle.
    The reason they are this way is because the older type systems would engage the brakes over a trash bag blowing across the road. And occasionally, if the road gradient and conditions were right, a manhole cover. And other similar instances where it truly shouldn't intervene.

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