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49 thoughts on “Bradley Martyn – Steve-O’s Wild Ride! Ep #84

  1. Steve-O!! You should see about having Jamie Lynn-Sigler or Robert Iler (AJ and Meadow Soprano) on the wildride. They have a smaller podcast, Pajamapants, but they're still high profile enough to not be a waste of your time. Rob has a crazy party history that I think you'd relate to and also their merch game is WEAK. You could help them big time.

  2. Steve-o’s story with the condom. Been there.. done that haha! Great interview, funny stuff. Bradley isn’t a cringe in real time. Good to see him chilled and talking chilling with you guys. Really well done

  3. You can really tell they didn’t spend much time looking into Brad at all, considering they seemed to think he was just a personal trainer in Steve will do it’s entourage. Ngl they really dropped the ball on this one, total waste of an opportunity.

  4. It speaks volumes to me that Bradley watches his friend in Stevewilldoit spend all that money, and he just thinks it's part of his act. You can tell Steve-O was pressing him more, but Bradley just doesn't seem like he cares…kind of sad.

  5. Brad and was low key pushing Steve-O to relapse so he can get him hooked on coke and fentanyl. Rumors are Steve caved in and smoked a dirty 30 fentanyl pill and took a couple fat lines and has been smoking some on and off ever since.

  6. What’s crazy is brad used this as a hidden message to the cartel. He was telling them when and where to make the shipments with all that “talking with his hands”

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