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Trap Lore Ross

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Trap Lore Ross

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23 thoughts on “Aussie Drill’s Bloody Gang War – OneFour v 21District

  1. Such a completely perverted depiction of these people. they are complete animals. They wear masks in their vids not to be cool but because they have warrants outstanding!
    You are completely oblivious to the fact that they way they talk is not an australian accent at all.
    They speak a bastardised pigeon english. ("hey bro!")
    It must be bliss living in the quiet retiring English shire you live in.

  2. As an American from a real ghetto this shit is kinda funny they fight with bats😂😂😂 if you done that in America someone gunna pop yo ass but then again I do remember getting into a rumble and hitting someone with a hammer too that was like 15 years ago tho times changed got into another like a month later and got shot at my big bro got hit in the arm and walked home from the hospital like nothing happened moral of the story stay strapped or get clapped

  3. Considering how hard Australian old school gangsters used to go I expect to hear a madness. But you’re telling me the beef has been a couple fights and some murders over a decade ago? I mean it’s good that nobody dying though.

  4. I don't care what anyone says. Australian "drillers" forced their whole movement by creating unnecessary feuds and violence in an effort to make their environment seem more like the places they were trying to emulate. Drill started as an expression of circumstances people couldn't escape, Aussie Drill did the opposite. They started off wanting to make that music so they tried to create a violent environment in an effort to try to add legitimacy to their music.

  5. Amazing you call something cringe while in the same video calling yourself a "driller at heart" and talking about stabbings and death like it's some game. Stop making jokes and just stick to the stories, it's what you are good at.

  6. They thuggin in Australia…lets u know, people represent world wide. I tell ya TLR, I caught on to u from the Duval beef, and done travelled the world thru back alleys, thru u!!

  7. I was there for that brawl at westfields mount druitt haha. Was just skating outside the train station when 50 or so blokes rocked off the trains. I was like ohhhhh its about to go off! Knew it was the g40 guys straight away haha! Shit was wild!

    G40 were crazy, i was at granville station with some friends cruising around on our boards and got asked by a group in a bmw where we were from, said mount druitt and we got chased for 10 minutes. 🤣
    Fun times! 🤣

  8. australia is such a safe and peaceful country, its just onefour thats changed the image of the country and made it seem more violent than it actually is.

  9. Born in Australia live in Sydney we don't have gangs. This is a bunch of wanna be gang members that smoke ice and are gronks that hit on underage people and try to act hard. I've lived in every state of Australia I'm my whole life if someone says they're in a gang in AUSTRALIA laugh at them then continue to laugh harder for ten solid mins. It's nonsense. The only closest thing we have is bikers or bikies but even then they're so soft because police are super hard on them. I'm a femmy trap and the only time voilance happened is when I got slashed over my face by some homophobic prick and now sport a scar for life. I've delt rugs and worked the streets and never in my life seen a "gang" member it's all just people acting hard on YouTube. Get a job.

    The real voilance happens only when Arabs and lebos deal rugs and bikers (Who are soft c ocks who don't even ride bikes) get angry when other lebos/arabs/ that call themselves bikies sell in their own territory. Then you get the drive bys in Sydney. Beyound that WE DONT HAVE GANGS IN AUSTRALIA I HAVE LIVED IN SEVEN HILLS HALF MY LIFE THIS IS ROSS KEMP LEVEL OF FAKENESS THIS IS A SUPERMODELS B OOBS LEVEL OF FAKENESS.

  10. Ross, the Islanders weren't brought to "work" they were brought to be slaves and thousands of them were killed. I think thats a pretty important distinction, we need to tell history as it happened not as people wish it happened.

    "Although the process of acquiring these "indentured labourers" varied from violent kidnapping at gunpoint to relatively acceptable negotiation, most of the people affiliated with the trade were regarded as blackbirders (slaves or poorly paid labourers)….In total, approximately 15,000 Kanakas died"

  11. They have one violent incident involving guns that they call a massacre even though it was tame by American standards, swiftly enact common sense gun laws, and as a result have gun violence levels that don't even touch the charts used to measure American gun violence.

    And if that wasn't enough, their knife crime doesn't even begin to make up for it. All the anti common-sense-gun-regulation talking points are bull shit lol. Common sense gun laws work very well and much better than I would have thought.

  12. Jonah was funny af. Don’t act like what you do is any different. You’re enriching yourself on the back of other peoples suffering.

  13. Us aussies don’t drink fosters plus there’s been lads adlay eshays since early nineties we do love Tns over here we call them ntays brah gotta have the spuds and fight in ya to wear ‘em u get noticed straight away when u got them on a there’s a good chance you’ll get rolled for em

  14. Imagine their music was positive and changing the world for good! They're talented af!! No doubt. And have solid screen presence… a damn shame that all this ends in them living a gang life and deaths etc

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