Are You Garbage is back with a Kippy and Foley for a family episode to answer your garbage questions from Patreon. Its a fun …
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Ham sucks!
The quick math on the popcorn microwave thing would be like 4 minutes probably. The mass would increase but not great enough to need much more.
I think
I've seen kids high on coracitin at the ridley game having seizures
It's trash calling it premade chocolate milk. Call it bought chocolate milk lol… premade would be chocolate syrup or powder and milk lol…mixed together it's chocolate milk
His dad's a great white……good one foley
Foley… shout out to NEPA!!!! Scranton here baby!! BOSCOVS!!!!
Love these dudes!!!

Manhattan.. manhanen
Fast quips, fast replies.
Six months later & I'm sure Foley is still "researching a ROLL"
Im a fat bastard that pisses in the shower to
I know it’s an old episode, but why is foley pitching for ham?
Anyone remember the name of this hard feelings? The one that follows this that folks are talking about in the comments.
I’m with the big man on the clay shit. Make some dinosaur mug or something and walk it back to the kiln.
Foley’s plethora of ham websites is hilarious.
You bozos have made my days so much better, been disabled forna while and most podcasts are….clone copy's of each other. Found out about u by chance and been a fellow trash bag since. So real so original. yah bozos!
Ps,.T bone cam! U know it's thru da ruff
His dad's Italian his mom's a great white also a good piece of business
Probably the 5th or 6th time iv watched this one love the joey merlino deep cut

Kevin calling chocolate syrup Hershey’s syrup is fucking Trashhhhh
“Tell it to the judge, fatty!”
“…His Dads Italian, his moms a Great White!” sent me!
so easy, new subscriber. The chemistry is strong!
I know a girl that's a swinger and has a tattoo of an upside down pineapple
kippy called the pineapple on the stingers door bringing powerbait" lol.
6'5" and 210 (pretty skinny) I pee like that all day. More importantly since highscool if I'm peeing in a toilet I always sit because yes I can aim… but why should I have to
What about da Yoohoo's ?
great episode boyz!
How is Foley gonna walk around at Disney when they make it there?
I love how foley is “on a diet” but always mentions a completely unhealthy food that he can’t wait to eat
I’ve almost exhausted all of my resources in to rooting for him for the past year

Come on bozos! If you have salted butter, you can leave it out on the counter for months and months with no problems….(just like those s*** McDonald's cheeseburgers that never go bad because of all the salt content)
That way you have soft spreadable butter 24/7. Sticks only last about a week or so before you run threw them. Now if you are one of those unsalted butter bozos… That crap goes bad in 3 days on the counter
The ham/Gulman part towards the end absolutely killed me. I had to pull over because I was laughing too hard lmao
0:44:25 KJ sleeps in his clothes sometimes?
42:01 completely agree kip wtf is dat

Yo Coinbase straight to the moon boys LFG
We need a Toby cam! Let's go already!
Includes paid promotion is garbage
This is my favorite podcast. PERIOD.
It takes me twice as long to watch any episode because I’m laughing too hard to hear what you guys are saying! This podcast really delivers and when I need a sure laugh, I come here!
I’d go see you guys in San Francisco but I refuse to get the gene therapy and don’t really feel like dodging feces and bums in those horrid streets.
You guys gotta get Bobby Kelly for this podcast ! Talking food, talking a little shit, it would be a great pod
3 minutes for popcorn!??
Sounds like the crazy talk of a shower-tinkler
Shout out from Bucks county love u guys. Been watching for awhile went through almost all your episodes
guy s are funny shit !! Love it keep up the Funny 

TipTop garbage right right here boys!
"Was a little fat, coulda lost a few pounds… Fat Moves"
All hail Shockwave
Foley lookin healthy !!!
All that foliage juice!!!
Kettle popped popcorn with organic ingredients is unbeatable. Easy and cheaper than any microwaveable brand. Haven't owned a microwave in over 10 years.
Someone please make a real fat moves remix
Where’s the best place to ask some ayg Q’s ?
Killer Ep! Kippy giggles had me dying. Foley in NC having 4 jobs is too funny