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Are You Garbage Comedy Podcast presents stand up comedian Andy Fiori! You know Andy Fiori as a Sirius XM radio host, The …


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47 thoughts on “Are You Garbage Comedy Podcast: Andy Fiori – Cash in the Walls

  1. Holy crap boys I'm almost caught up. In about a day or two I'll be able to say I've seen every non-patreon episode of AYG. I guess I'll know what to do next.

    Side note: you guys look rather tan on my 1080p pc monitor that cost roughly 150$; but pale as all get out on my 270$ 55 inch 4K. I guess you get what you pay for when it comes to pixels per dollar

  2. Does anyone else think that Foley believes a "tax write off" means the government gives you back all of your business expenses, in full?🤔😬😂

    And I had to laugh at Fiori's special title, because I had older parents and my Dad would always check the left side traffic and say, "It's okay my way. Is it okay your way?" And the kid in the passenger seat would then check the right side traffic and say, "It's okay my way!" Old Dads just can't be bothered with moving their necks (and they want someone else to blame, just in case they get into an accident 😂)

  3. What I love about this pod is I’ve never heard of Andy…dig the vibe…saved his special to the watch later. Keep doing what you’re doing and returning the favor of putting folks on the map. As I’m typing, Toby asked about leaving a debit card at the bar. AYG… do you go get the card and man up, or cancel the card avoid the encounter and get a new one sent?

  4. That line about the letter from the large penis society in the mail was hilarious. “That’s the second time this week, I apologize.” You killed it with that one, Foley!

  5. I got tossed out of a lame bar for cursing once, downloaded the jukebox app, stopped by the parking lot for a few days afterwards, to play Marilyn Manson for the grey haired patrons inside 😮 I love those app for jukebox
    I like the anonymity, no one knows what who played

  6. Am I the only one that combed through all their episodes and couldn’t find Andy’s first one? They introduced him as his second appearance but can’t find the first one! 🗑

  7. Had a friend who would put honey and sugar on his Cheerios. A golden slurry at the end of his breakfast. Tried it once in my mid thirties. Actually pretty horrible

  8. If Foley ever stops flailing that tongue when he's in a hard laugh, I will STOP watching forever. That just seals the deal for some reason its the best

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