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Lyle Forever
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I used to have to tell people remember we’re on acid ok just go do something else just distract yourself cause you do forget to pull yourself out the loop if you a weak ass ho
I collect synchronicities for later use.
"Play that fucking pan flute" is now in my toolbox.
This is the modern version of the guitar guy at a party
Recent evidence suggests that the universe isn’t expanding as quickly as we thought it was
Black holes do not expand at the same rate of our universe
Drug addicts are weird
Makes Xavier: Renegade Angel look like Carl Sagan
I wonder where he gets the idea that human consciousness exists outside of our dimension. No proof of this. Biblically speaking, when we die, we go to nothingness until resurrection. As in, no conciousness once we die. Just nothingness. Void. No emotions, no pain, no anger, no love, no hate. Christians call death 'being asleep in christ' because of the faith in the promised resurrection.
Human consciousness outside of this physical life is pagan nonsense. Smoke another pipe
I come back here sometimes to break the loop. Isn’t that technically looping though? The irony.
When he said "Play that fucking panflute" I couldn't help but want to sing
play the funky panflute, white boy. Play that funky panflute riiiiiight

The Legend of Daniel: The Panflute of Time
Who the fuck has never seen a panflute.
Everything he did was wrong lol
Really could have used this guy a couple of times.
POV: you just watched the South Park panflute episode lol
Look man I've been dummy high before and seen people get stuck, I don't think any of the stuff he said means anything but you sure feel like it means everything
I would have stopped this guy after his first sentence but Gecko was just like, "nah, let him cook".
Whatever that guy took to think like that, I want some
That little flute dance was amazing.
Stop doing drugs
So many physicists shaking their head right now
One of the best videos i have ever seeen
The insta cut to a the loop breaking panflute was legit asf
I don't think even this guy could've imagined he'd be able to vibe that much with a man-sized therapist gecko.
I thought he was talking about thought spirals but then he brought up black holes this guy is something else
Nothing is real inside a black hole prove me wrong.
Watching this in YouTube shorts adds another layer of 4th wall breaking irony.
Yes, we are all collectively looping and the panflute has become meaningless in the infinite space.
All hail Daniel
Psychosis at its finest
Black holes don’t expand. They degrade due to Hawking radiation
Dunning Kruger effect
I feel like he’s wrong about most of the shit he just said well he’s partially correct but idk I’m in a loop
Sometimes the best people are the ones happy being weird
Daniel was on some crazy shrooms
he seems like a really experienced trip sitter
He's talking about a psycadelic loop lmao
String Theory seems like a load of mumbo jumbo
Edit: wait……..
I'm definitely stuck in a loop
I'd eat some tabs with him
I wonder where he did his astrophysics degree. He must have one to be commenting so confidently.
This guy doesnt explain quantum physics or black holes properly.
Hawking radiation is where pairs of particles which typically pop into existence and then immediately annihilate themselves spawn at the edge of a black hole one particle gets sucked in and the other gets sent out. I dont believe hawking radiation is "feedback"
I dont understand why he thinks black holes expand at the same rate if some black holes are bigger than others across all distances and in time. Theres a theorhetical black hole star which is a very very large star which went through a supernova once but because its so dense the star doesnt explode and instead a black hole forms and this particular black hole is extremely aggressive with taking matter into itself and exerts extremely powerful rays of radiation. But more on point is he says black holes expand at the same rate our universe does but what he doesnt understand is that our universe and black holes expand for two entirely different reasons.
Black holes get larger basically by sucking in more matter or combining with other black holes. Its basically it.
The universe expands because dark energy takes the space where there is little to no matter in the area and somehow it expands that space. Meanwhile dark matter an unexplained source of mass holds galaxies and galaxies local to each other together so what you have is clusters of galaxies spreading out spatially.
Also he doesnt understand how extra dimensions work if they even exist. The universe as we know it only allows for 3 spatial dimentions and one temporal. If other dimensions in space exist they are very very time and wrapped in on themselves. If consciousness exists in other dimensions it would be inside of those dimensions not outside.
I mentioned that first and ignored his definition of dimension because he brought up blacks holes the universe expansion and hawking radiation. But if his idea of consciousness existing in other dimensions means there are infinite universes with infinite versions of you then the reat of what he says just doesnt make any sense.
Black holes could potentially become pocket universes but more than likely the reality of black holes is that they are pockets of spacetime condensed infinitely into a single point. If any information enters into a black hole it is ripped apart into single digits of wave particles as it enters. I wouldnt say its lost to infinity tho for two reasons 1. Black holes grow when they take in matter and 2. Black holes will in the far far future evaporate and disapear.
Nothing he said is actually accurate in basically every way.
Also this looped dozens of times while i typed this.