Is pop music better than you think? Some of what I talk about:
* How varied pop can be, from Britney Spears to Bruno Mars to Charli XCX
* The craft of pop songwriting and music production (Max Martin, Dr Luke, Benny Blanco, etc)
* Pop vocalists like Demi Lovato, Ariana Grande and Whitney Houston
* Dark pop lyrics from Halsey, Hayley Kiyoko, Sasha Alan Sloan and Maggie Lindemann
PODCAST (Spotify):
PODCAST (Apple Podcasts):
0:00 Intro
1:27 What is pop?
3:05 Pop music all sounds the same
5:20 Pop is generic and easy to make
8:12 Pop lyrics are trash
10:38 Pop artists don’t write their own songs
13:59 Why am I talking about pop?
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The Punk Rock MBA
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i agree with most of the points, except the point that all music sounds the same. i think alot of pop music you hear nowadays sounds pretty much the same. and alot of pop music is also written by the same songwriters.
for the rest i think you made a great video with alot of good points about pop music.
I’m waiting for Taylor Swift to make a pop punk album. Some of her lyrics could be on an early 2000s songs. She performed with Fall Out Boy and did a rock version of one of her songs on her 1989 tour. Listen to Haunted from Speak Now it sounds like a Paramore song.
One thing that I was hoping you would bring up in the video that you didn't: Are there any ugly pop "artists"? Pretty much says everything about the topic
People who shame, gatekeep, joke and humiliate certain genres of music are just sad. Every Wednesday at work we play the country radio station and EVERY SINGLE WEEK people will groan about it. They'll tease the ones that do like country music and talk ad nauseum about how much Country Music "sucks". While the country genre isn't my favourite, there are some songs that are genuinely good and I'm not ashamed of that. I always stand by the rhetoric that, "It's OK if you don't like it, but shaming those that do, is fucked up."
Pop is like any genre of music, there's good and bad. No one is going to sit and tell me that Michael Jackson and Prince didn't create some of the greatest songs ever recorded, and they wrote most of their classics too. As stated in the video, pop within itself is a very broad spectrum, and you have rubbish as well as genius within the same genre.
Hating on pop is kind of immature. I used to be like that as a teenager, now I appreciete just good music from all kind of genres. And who could dislike Michale Jacksons music, or Adele?
No it's still sucks smelly ass
an Artist creatives things. a Musician plays an instrument. If you're a singer and you never write lyrics or instruments or whatever you're still a Musician, you're just not an Artist. That's just pretty clear cut definitions of words isn't it?
There's loads of psychology studies into music genre preferences. They're quite hard to read through so not gonna fetch a quote from anywhere, but the thing that stood out to me about Pop music, is that it's a genre appreciated by Uncreative people. There's a few other genres for uncreative people but Pop was very unspecific with other personality traits if I remember right. I think it's obvious why people who do like creative genres decide to shit on the most popular genre which happens to be an uncreative one right?
Oh and I’m one of the few monthly listeners of Bonnie McKee. I don’t understand why she never became a star in her own right.
I’m one of those people that likes all types of music. My former coworkers used to think I was weird when I’d connect my phone to work speakers because it’d go from Slipknot to Kelly Clarkson to Nelly. I’ve never understood where there’s some many bs boundaries and rules like you touched on here. I started laughing when you asked if actors are frauds etc.
well after hearing all your pop shorts i have to say it still sucks.
lmao 80-90's pop is multiple levels better then this current garbage being made.
like i said in another comment the fact a video has to be made to tell me how good pop music is tells you all you need to know about modern pop music.
ya know the fact that videos are out trying to get ppl to go listen to modern pop and that it is good.
should tell you ALL you need to know about the state of pop music. its so popular that we have to talk you into actually go listen to it and give it a try. classic
They are all the same when you break it all down.
i will never superpass the fact that a metalhead had went to a k-pop concert
Believe it or not: Bob Dylon once was considered POP…
You say you want people to think but
a lot of your arguments is just sophism.
False equivalency.
Blatantly comparing a band writing a song vs a hive of producers is the same? No, when a band guitarist writes a riff or chord progression or whatever and shares it to the band the drummer and the bassist will still add their own parts since technically the guitarist didnt write bass lines it still is THEIR contribution.
Weak argument.
You said "writing is harder than playing a technical song" well invalid argument since they don't write songs and those written songs lack creativity so writing is only as hard as the songs' creativity..
Your analogy about actor/director with pop artist/producers is a red herring of the criticsm because its not not the actual issue.
You are basically acknowledging they are doing less than other musicians.
Yes that doesn't make a song not music but its an objective observation that they are doing LESS.
Just like how your fastfood fry cook isn't the same level as your gourmet chef. Fastfood is still food but that is a red herring argument.
Also didn't address copy pasted beats and chord progression. That alone invalidates it. Unique vocal melodies are the only saving grace in pop.
I also think those metal elitists who think fast notes that are hard to play but are just linear patterns is good are dumb and have the "man with the hammer problem" physically hard to play stuff isn't necessarily melodically complex or complex in thought.
I dont like to Addmit it but i like some Pop Artists like Lady GaGa and Charlie XCX and i liked P!NK until 2019.
I tend to share the same thoughts about pop music as this guy: (Why is Modern Music so Awful? by Toughty2)
So now whenever I listen to pop music, this is all I hear:
I used to dislike pop before, now I enjoy some songs every once in a while (even if I used to agree to the most of the statements said in the video) but after watching this, I truly can see it from another perspextive
Rock always the best

Omg I thought that Halsey song was a metal song, Spotify suggests so many covers and then I find out it's actually pop AHAHAHA
I like some pop music. But generally, I like a lot of guitar in my music and heavier riffs and the emotion that pervades from it which is why I don't prefer pop normally.