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44 thoughts on “Whistlindiesel Headquarters Tour

  1. I hope that one day you are just waiting for a meal at a restaurant, or a coffee, or sitting at a airport and have the chance to read my comment. All i want to say is that you are legitimate!! there is absolutely no one on youtube that has your content. You are a pioneer and you bring pure entertainment. I often get hooked just waiting for your next video. My son and I are always telling each other: Hey, did you see whistlingdiesel new video? Anyways, keep up the good work, there are a lot of imitators out there and a lot of haters but 99.9% of us love your channel. Best of luck!

  2. I saw someone asking this guy for work , 🤣, y'all are crazy this guy ain't given no random person a job , mabey if he can make video, I do metal fabrication, and machine work, and been running a shop making 1.5millon a year , as the service manager and service advisor both , nothing I can't do , "CALL ME 🤙" lmao 🤣

  3. I want to hate on you because I get the impression you're some rich farm kid but you blow all your cash on awesome shit and wreck most of it,for that you have my respect.

  4. Heres a idea, construct two large netting roofs ( like dodgem car set up)under each side of the high voltage grid,
    And steal the EMF off the grid.
    You would have free power.
    And since the power company doesn’t believe there’s a emf present, they have no problem you taking it

  5. Cody keep it going i rather watch your videos than play video games cause yours is a real life game😀 G wagon is my dream suv next time just send it over to kenya i collect it.

  6. My son is one of your biggest fans and he's only 7 years old he watches all your videos over and over again he seen the one with the skid steer and asked if I could comment bc a few months back he had his dirt bike stolen and the cops 👮‍♂️ won't help us and he seen all your lil dirt bike though made you could help find his bc he says you never give up on finding things

  7. I love this channel. I know it's none of my business but where does WhistlinDiesel get all of this money from? Home boy has got more money than he knows what to do with.

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