Tig Notaro takes the stage to discuss her family, her indoor cat, and what happens in the time between someone getting something stuck in their butt and them seeing a doctor.
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Original airdate: April 9, 2004
About Comedy Central Presents:
These half-hour specials showcased some of the best up-and-coming comedians of the moment. The show was a pivotal stepping stone for many of today’s stand-up stars, including Dave Chappelle, Patton Oswalt, Amy Schumer, Jim Gaffigan, Kevin Hart, Zach Galifianakis, Dane Cook, Bill Burr, Wanda Sykes and Maria Bamford.
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I laughed often, enjoyed this material and delivery!
Looks & dresses like Joe List.
Pretty decent at 1.75x speed
now i know why she doesnt have her own show
She does resembke a man.
Man, this makes me nostalgic for her earlier years! She's still great and still cute, but she was so freaking adorable here and so good.
I absolutely love watching Tig
She is a brilliant comedienne and makes me laugh harder than I thought possible.
Keep being AWESOME

OH and Tig I had a blast watching you play pickleball like a boss haha
I look forward to listening to your podcasts on the daily
Reminds me of Ellen's delivery
Tig is best.
how can a "comedian " be this unfunny
Tig kinda reminds me of Tom Cruise
It's a great beginning, I adore how her delivery has got way more confident and deliberate with time.
Women suck… at comedy… but is this really a woman??
God this material is so good. Less personal, more middle of the road, but just killer jokes. Early Tig. I love it.
Tig is not funny.
The only people who like her jokes are the people who are all about gay rights. I think everyone should have equal rights but I don't chose my favorite comedians based on whether or not they are part of a minority group.
Funny, is what is funny and politics outside of the jokes being told have nothing to do with the jokes being told or how I perceive them.
If you want to treat everyone the same, then you have to be willing to say that a joke sucks, even if it's coming out of the mouth of a gay cancer survivor, otherwise you're not treating her like everyone else, and that's discrimination.
United States Government could stop trying to buy our votes pay attention we one paycheck from homelessness. Stop taxing the hell out of housing. Stop taxing small business.
dhe looks so cute
She's not funny.
Another unfunny lesbian. Unsubribed.
I was confused by the title of the channel – I thought this was going to be a video with some comedy.
I love Tig
So cool to see an older set !
Its not her personality or comedy but I'm not into one syllable names that are a type of welding method. I can't make the connection
This is the most boring thing I have ever watched. Jesus Christ.
This dude has some okay jokes
Tig is pricelessly talented.
My dog actually watched this with me!
She is very pretty….. she just dresses like a boy
Strap that wheel chair Becky to butch barbie ride and let's go to malibu.
That all caught me off guard the second he spoke I was so confused why he sounded like that and then I realized it’s a women n then I clicked off
Classic sauce
The guy shoved a light bulb up his ass but admitted soon after that it wasn't his…brightest idea.
She’s one step above Amy Schumer
With that outfit and hair she looks like Tom Cruise
Loook at her sweet face!
Comedy Central Presents was must watch back in the day!
Yay Tig
I love you tig♥️♥️♥️
Mmmhm. Good title. Apt & timely.
There's a heavily disproportionate male weighted male to female ratio of comedians, but this channel releases mostly female comedian clips. Pretty sure that not only makes comedy central sexist, but boring as well. It's almost like they're intentionally annoying everyone with their ability to be bigots against men.
Thank you thank you, I'm not funny.