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Robert Dunn from @agingwheels tells the story of how he got 3 EVs for free because they were so bad.
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It's like driving a silent Corolla? 1 Corolla would last longer than 1000 of these cheap cars!
They only produced 127 with parts for a handful of others. There is only 1 proprietary scan tool and a guy in California has it. Codas were $40,000 a pop which didn't help when the quality was terrible.
I have an original Coda T-Shirt from the launch that I can part with.
Holy sheet, CVT in an electric car??? I can't imagine the logic behind it
The coda cars were built off of the base model skoda platform….. They were half the price of the Kia Spectra of the time LOL
wanna ship me the crappy motor and some batteries? Still more powah than my 47HP VW rabbit with a blown engine..
manual would have been better,. and they look like a suzuki forenza
All EVs are bad
Talk to guy you got the cars from he's got knowledge and possibly parts or knows what parts were used I can't imagine that built a lot of parts from scratch just used others parts on there clunker
What's the point of all the hydraulic nonsense with the CVT conversion? My 50-year-old tractor has a CVT and it's just a manual pivoting lever to adjust the ratios. If it's "too hard" to change the ratio by hand, make the lever longer for a bigger mechanical advantage. It's it's still "too hard" add some assist springs for mechanical assistance. I'm no engineer, but this also doesn't really feel like rocket science.
Here's the thing 70% of Americans drive less than 35 miles total per day so this actually makes perfect sense for some people. Still the lack of charging infrastructure back then would have made it a nightmare if you ever did need to charge up away from home.
Holy shit! Get to the point!.
Never mind.
CVTs are terrible. That is all.
And here I thought I finally found an electric car that I could afford to own. My wife has about a 15 minute, 7 to 9 mile (depending on route, highway is longer but faster) drive to work. I'm retired and rarely go further than 30 miles from home. But, reliability is essential. I've tired of working on cars.
It is great that you are preserving these early EV cars. I'm afraid that even some of the more modern EV cars are going to become non-drivable for lack of parts or batteries to make them work.
I have this same problem with ky converted Tesla
Aging Wheels is one of the best car youtubers, he makes videos with cars most people have never even heard of
Repainting cars for car shows, carol Shelby did that on the cobra’s for it seemed they had more inventory
The guys a friggin' legend !
Aging wheels, and Under Dunn are two of the most watchable "Obscure every day car" and auto maintenance channels out there, and that's purely because Robert is such an amazingly funny, likeable, and chaotic person. He's got a sort of energy and enthusiasm on camera that's almost "Puppyish" to watch.
Nothing but love going out to the guy, because, as I said, He's a friggin' legend.
I would own a coda and drive it once in a while just for the meme
Why would he dis the corolla like that?
Chinese car: reprint all plastic parts in nylon on your 3d printer and it is superior to factory
Only Communism could invent an EV with a CVT plus hydraulic pumps!
"China researching an EV with a CTV"
You literally do not need to research this…
PLEASE give these to LeMons teams – or Start a LeMons team! <3
Besides Ed, this is the best guy you’ve had on this channel.
The Coda looks like a 2007 Chevrolet Aveo
That Bricklin is interesting too. I wonder who got that
CODA: what happens when the USA government subsidizes (bribes) a company to make communistical cars "for the people"-of California due to retarded political policies with regards to energy.