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Polyphia’s unexpected rise surprised me! I talk about Polyphia’s first EP with vocals, the “Impassion” video, how they found themselves with songs like “Lit” and “G.O.A.T.,” reaction channels and the guitar community, the role of their music videos and merch, Tim Henson’s approach to songwriting, and more.
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0:00 Intro
2:25 The early years of Polyphia
5:43 “Champagne,” “Lit,” “G.O.A.T” & their breakthrough
8:58 Why they caught on
12:22 Their videos, visuals and merch
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The Punk Rock MBA
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The dude from Berried Alive smokes Tim Henson and his boring prog rock band. I cant think of more torture other than listening to Dream Theater.
I wish they would Collab with Adam Jones and method man
So many & too many people saying that they like them.
Well I don't like them.
Polyphia is one of those bands I stumbled upon much earlier than the majority of other people and honestly their success is fucking awesome to see. They were the background music to my early sobriety years cause I did all my 12 step writing works to their music since it got me in my head so much. I was supposed to see them when they opened for Coheed which I was so excited for since they are my two favorite bands, but I was 7 months into a difficult pregnancy so I had to stay home. I still haven’t seen them live yet and apparently it’s gonna get much harder as they’re selling out so many shows but that’s awesome. Their song Crush off of Renaissance is an absolute masterpiece everyone show check out.
Also, for anyone reading this, if you like Polyphia check out Thank You Scientist. Especially their album Maps Of Non-Existent Places. Another technical yet catchy group.
Their drummer is the best pocket player I've heard in a long time. First drummer was a lot more technical but the band has flavor now. Polyphia live sounds much better imo.
I think they are a cool band, But I like their early EP more than i do their more recent stuff. Not to say its bad but I prefer the proggy metal fusion shit they did back when they started off. Modern stuff is definitely interesting to listen to with the way they make the notes pop, how everything sounds super percussive and all that but its not something for me.
The way they blend genres is also interesting but I find quite fatiguing to listen to. Its just how it is, Different strokes for different folks.
I went to a Dance Gavin Dance concert last year and Polyphia was playing too. I was excited to see Polyphia but I wasn’t prepared for how good they sounded live and how they were able to hype up the crowd. I have never seen a more epic mosh pit. Eidola and Veil of Maya was playing too but Polyphia was far superior in every way pumping up the crowd.
i get the same vibe i do from any prog. its good yea but unpalatable
I bit ironic to be promoting something that you have no idea if it works or not… I would have thought that someone with your integrity would only promote things or companies that you have either tried yourself or believe in…
You ever see Mike le rossetti?
Muse reminds me of intervals
Ever heard of omnific?
Sick INTEGRITY shirt dude!!
Did he just say techno death core?? That's a thing?? Cool
It's elevator music made by a giant lesbian ostrich.
I think a huge variable is that while in the past fans idolized artists, unlimited access on the Internet to all types of music these days allows audiences to pick music that is actually good and they enjoy listening to. It is not about posters and concerts anymore. Also, while there are tons of overproduced songs relying on electronics and studio wizardry, there is something about talented instrumental virtuosos. I am sure many listeners enjoy listening to quality, "real" musicianship.
I really think Animals as Leaders are the Pioneers of this Genre Tosin is seriously one of biggest influence as a Guitarist
Polyphia really is something special
Unexpected tho?naw,moment i heard em the first time i knew,this is the next progression. The easy pop hooks with mad skill and insane composition,just fuckin pops. Good on em
Ola lookin like a chubby Paddie the baddy
its pop prog xD
That is the dopest Berserk hoodie i've ever seen and I hate the color yellow lol
They are nasty
Great video!! Would love to see a similar video about Intervals. They’re the other instrumental band that has a really huge following and would love to know what you think they do to stand above the crowd. Again, really awesome insight you shared in this video!
Is it that unexpected though?
I love polyphia, and they seem like the perfect gateway band for people who don’t listen to metal to get into the genre.
There drummer is fuckin insane
Nah man this was 100% expected, their music is so good it’s insane that it took so long for them to become so popular
why do all of their videos seem so out of sync.
They’re no doubt talented, but I find them a bit too busy, and I’m a prog metal fan.
I think a lot of dedicated instrumental/prog bands are concerned with the appearance of "selling out" when it comes to achieving broad appeal. But what Polyphia has done feels authentic and cool. Their videos drip style with the color choices, imagery, and the band's clothing and fashion choices. I get the feeling that's who they are and not just some stylist coming in and doing a makeover. I guess my point here being that Polyphia pull it off because it's who they are, and a lot of bands don't have the same investment of interest into the diverse cultural zeitgeist to implement that style authentically.
Metal people like jt bc the level of guitar playing is like metal just nicer sounding I guess.
That's dope I use ableton as a daw to jus recorded my first song lol
Now that theres Polyphia, theres absolutely no reason to still be hatin on Nickelback.
Ugh. Your videos keep popping up in my feed and you always have this weird out-of-touch perspective. Literally any musician that heard Polyphia years ago knew they were seeing a legend being born. Damnit, I need to figure out how to keep you out of my recommendations…
When they dropped their second album my fiancé and I started going to concerts. I’m so excited people are learning about them!
Who is the better guitatist tho? Tim Henson or MGK?
That’s mad judgmental. Every music is appreciated. Music is for your feels. #disappointed
Polyphia is modern prog rock
One of their first vocalists name was actually hunter Avant, he's a dope vocalist now
I think the ceiling is really as high as they decide they want it to be. I wouldn't be surprised if right now they're even a little taken aback by how big it's gotten, but they always knew that they could at the same time, if you just try. Originality is hard to come by, especially now a days when anyone can look at an artist and pick up the computer, make some friends and mimic everything that they're seeing, and also get some success doing it.
We're in this time where people are really rewarded for copying, and it's even harder to be seen doing original things. So if you stick with the originals you can almost always have a larger impact, the initial growth is just very against the grain.
ah yes, the completely unexpected rise of a band filled with insanely talented and well-connected musicians who regularly collaborate with legendary guitarists.
who could have possibly imagined that these four random individuals who are totally not virtuosos that have been publicly honing their craft for over a decade would rise to stardom?
Most of their songs if not all of them are catchy and have unique sound