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What’s behind the unexpected rise of Electric Callboy aka Eskimo Callboy? How did Electric Callboy songs like “Hypa Hypa,” “We Got The Moves” and “Pump It” help them? Why did they change their name? Find out the history of Electric Callboy (formerly Eskimo Callboy)!
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0:00 Intro
2:55 The early years of Electric Callboy
8:35 The departure of Sushi
9:43 “Hypa Hypa” and the role of reaction channels
14:50 Their musical evolution
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The Punk Rock MBA
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"I'm not trying to cancel them."
What makes you think you could even do that????
The volume on your ads is very aggressive.
Just saw electrical callboy at good things, they went off hard, titties came out, mosh went crazy, they were good
Didn't they win EuroVision?
Hahaha, hänno in a mba video
I thought he said reaction channels are trash in a previous video
Electric Callboy is a Great German Band

Like "the Vegas" song was offensive xD
I didn't know they were germans honestly
Crystals is a banger of an album. It's better than anything they've done since.
way back 2010 that hurts man
It takes time, effort and constant improvement to become good. You cannot expect that someone starts with something and immediately has a breakthrough. They are good now because they had a decade of practice, trying things and becoming better behind them. Instant breakthrough is not a normal thing, and if something looks like that there are often some experienced people behind in control of important things.
Me an Oldschool Metalhead – open minded in the meantime but still hated this Fun Metal Stuff that is popular in Germany
Then with Covid, sitting at home, listen to YT Clips and than found the new Stuff like "Pump it" and "We got the Moves"
Man, i had so much Fun, can't count how often i watched the Videos, Tears in my Eyes and changed completely my Mind and got to the Tour this Year (ok, still hate J.B.O)
Interesting review from you!
However, the singer search was a puplicity stunt.
Nico is a close friend of the band and was the singer of "To the Rats and Wolves". The two bands have played many shows together in the past.
The blew up because they got a new clean vocalist who kicks ass. As soon as they signed him, their 1st song with him blew up along with almost every song since.
it's so weird having listened to them from the start lmao I'm so glad that they're getting appreciated now
Bury Me in Vegas crew represent.
As a nerd who's been jamming Eskimo Callboy since the old days…..Thanks for making this video lol. The old music definitely has a soft spot in my heart probably for nostalgic purposes, but the new stuff is clearly way catchier and arguably just better. So happy to see them succeed finally
Hypa Hypa also blew up because of the Scooter song, which is a european staple of 90s Techno and the whole 'how much is the fish' thing is a huge meme in germany. So hypa hypa REALLY exploded in Germany and Europe and that gave them the traction to blow up in the US.
Corey Taylor wasn’t the original vocalist of Slipknot. Turns out plenty of bands replace their vocalists and do really well. Usually it happens very early on and before major label releases.
Also, it’s a fairly common occurrence in the world of comedy that it takes 10 years for people to become overnight sensations.
is germany the only country in europe Finn knows?
what??? Eskimo is derogatory??? I literally learned that in history class in high school… LMAO
I'm german, so I've known them quite a while.
I loved Nico's previous band too, but them together is literally better than I could have ever imagined.
Fun fact. In one of the clips there is a banner of "His Statue Falls" in the background. Unfortunately a band that does no longer exist. I liked them too.
I think the majority of their fanbase stood behind them, whether they changed their name or not.
Their music speaks enough for them. They are fucking legends.
I had no idea that they actually started during the emo/metalcore scene era. I always thought they were taking the piss in the same way bands like Steel Panther do for the 80s but they were legit a trancecore (or whatever else you wanna call that) band. Hypa Hypa is the most german song I've ever heard, it has the ingredients of why I liked Scooter and Rammstein when I was young.
Remember hearing "My Own Summer" a couple years ago at the gym, and thought it was cool, but I didnt know the band and didnt pay attention to the lyrics so culdnt find the song again afterwards. Then I randomly found Hypa Hypa on youtube, and decided to check out their music by just playing their music on the artist page while at the gym, and like 45 minutes into it "My Own Summer" came on, and I was like holy shit theres that song again. Been a fan since and l the new album is fantastic.
Their more recent stuff kinda reminds me of like an updated version of the darkness or electric sixx. Bands that are so over the top and committed to the bit that they shoot past being ironically awesome and are just unironically awesome
With the bachelor thing the main stream awareness was increased but I think that the colab with the popular German YouTuber Hand of Blood in there MC thunder vid was more significant
As someone who listens to LittleVMills covers, Esk- Electric Callboy was pretty easy to get into.