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0:00 Introduction
3:08 The Life of Donda
6:20 The Death of Donda
18:06 The Aftermath
24:39 The Doctor’s Dark Past
28:43 Welcome to Heartbreak
42:10 Conclusion


Trap Lore Ross

About Post Author

Trap Lore Ross

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44 thoughts on “The Suspicious Death of Donda West

  1. That call angered me greatly…. No, she didn't have to die. He was clearly on speaker and she just wasn't listening to the operator. Critical time just wasted …… She didn't have to die.

  2. I blame the doctor who should never let her leave after the triple plastic surgery ! Also, Ms. Donda should have had 24 hr medical supervision at home, her son had the money to pay for that too. So sad an outcome.

  3. Omg dude this 911 operator is slow. How many times does he have to ask if she is breathing?! Ik he heard her say she was doing CPR so that would indicate that she wasn't breathing. And I understand the audio between the 2 isn't the best but he's wasting time asking the same question repeatedly instead of getting them to calm down stop and listen. Wow hearing this is crazy

  4. After hearing the phone call, I’m not surprised Kanye stopped dealing with people with that 72 IQ🤦 say what you will, but I’m sure his new friends would be able to follow simple instructions.

  5. This 911 call genuinely pissed me off the amount of huh's and lack of response is irritating. Her death was unavoidable if the woman just listened to a professional and actually focused on what the operative said.

  6. This might just be the strangest 911 call I've ever heard in my life. Even a 6-year-old would have been able to coherently respond to the operator. The woman speaking to the operator seems like she's on drugs or like mentally incapacitated… and the people in the background not even waiting to follow instructions but just shouting random things. It just seems so bizarre that people so close to Donda wouldn't even pause to follow instructions to save her life. Every second matters when it comes to CPR and just following directions could've potentially kept her alive.

  7. He needs to explain why he said she was sacrificed. Coming out yrs later saying she was sacrificed???………so by saying this, means he knew that she was on the chop block, by him moving on up to billionaire status says that he knew and was cool with it for a f*** dollar and yet he's placed on top as a damn genius, this is sad at how black folks with regular jobs living week to week find reasons to support this selfish clown as if it's all because he bragging on his genius and billionaire status. There's obviously no shame in the bullshit we support. It takes a real POS to fiend for riches and attention as the world watches this drama unfold in America surrounding blacks and instead of being a force to reckon with by doing the right things and supporting deserving others they instead see how truly f*** up we live by seeing all the average blacks ride for dumb ass people doing db ass shit, this explains why the Bible said that we would be sold for bondmen and women but no one would come to our rescue, this is shameful people supporting a damn sellout who trying to kiss the fat ass of 45 who also don't like blacks and have been supporting racist like himself and the number of silly ass black folks supporting this traitor and wonder why we still can't get right, and the Bible also said that many of our people aren't going to make it when shit goes down and all of those who wronged our people will get what's coming and it is coming, stop being stupid when it's time to ax the ignorant for being ignorant and supporting ignorant, can't even show love to God first but a dumb ass coon gets mad love, God doesn't like like warm flip floppers you're either with us or get rolled over there is no in between. Facts!!

  8. My condolences to her and her family, this was rough to listen to. Kanye West is one of the greatest artists in history my respects to Him and His Mother. Rest in Heaven.

  9. I love Kanye now more than ever. Although it's a sad story, the blame can only be placed on Donda herself. No surgery is 100% safe and risk-free. Her decision was a superficial one and she paid the ultimate price. Sure, there are probably things that everyone could have done differently, but she's the one who signed on the dotted line.

  10. Seriously, who the fuck dies from plastic surgery? Good cause … vanity. Being a piece of shit must run in the family. BTW, where's his daddy?

  11. I had a few surgeries n they do ask u about ya medical history n blood work is done… If u don’t tell yo health history then that’s on u…

    My thing is y would u let your mother who is 58 years old have any type of surgery like that… n sad to say she knew better to wanting to leave after a surgery like that being a Dr herself so y wouldn’t she stay in that intake facility to b taking care of..
    U can not blame that Dr at all but u can blame the cousin who left her to care for herself with the 2 friends who clearly wasn’t there…. That 911 call was frustrating because they was not listening to the dispatcher at all ..if they was then maybe they would of saved her… That was strange to me like they the ones who actually killed the lady but using the 911 call as a cover up…
    N now Kanye actually saying his mother was sacrificed …. If that’s the truth then he played a part in it…. But I honestly don’t believe she was sacrificed 3 surgeries n a day n having a lot of pain maybe she took more then 1 Vicodin to cause that heart attack

  12. I don’t want to criticise too much because maybe they were panicking, but those women really annoyed me. Were they stupid? Why weren’t they to the dispatcher? They weren’t listening. They weren’t answering basic questions. Then to make matters worse, one of them tries to make it all about herself. They could’ve saved her life.

  13. you had me until you said "i almost wouldn't be surprised if Kanye hadn't actually read the letter".. bro, i'll bet he read that letter like 10 times. Ye was gripped by that letter and i think that comes through in his response to it.

  14. Who is that dumb orangutan on the phone that can’t listen to what the operator is saying…You can hear that they never followed any instructions and they never breathed a breathe into Donda’s lungs

  15. More than half of all physicians will be sued at some point at some point during their career. That’s really not fair to hold that against him. Malpractice insurance exists for this reason.

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