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Why Spotify doesn’t pay artists: the honest truth! I look at why artists like Taylor Swift and Eve 6 say Spotify doesn’t pay musicians. I cover the history of streaming from Lars of Metallica vs Napster to the rise of Spotify, Deezer, and Amazon; how much artists actually make from Spotify streams; how much labels take; and what we can do to help musicians get paid more from Spotify.
PODCAST (Spotify):
PODCAST (Apple Podcasts):
0:00 Intro
2:53 The history of streaming & Spotify
5:38 How does Spotify money work?
7:26 Why don’t artists get paid?
9:04 The role of record labels
12:57 How can artists get paid more?
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The Punk Rock MBA
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Check out Eargasm Earplugs!
in 2022, more than ever, labels are the cancer in the music industry
Support independent artist
Even as a Spotify user myself, it’s good to know what’s going on behind the scenes
Eve 6 isn't "not making a dime from streams", they already got paid that money. Is it a shitty system? In a lot of ways, for sure. Record labels should definitely pay their artists a bigger percentage of the royalties. But Eve 6 got paid already for their song(s).
Spotify is trying to make the Record Labels look bad
Bandcamp is the only thing I give money to.
2 things, the record industry was making iand growing profits during the Piracy era. It was a lie that they were loosing money. During that time excutives pay and bonus' quadrippled. And the second thing, increasing the price of Spotify would kill it. Already since covid the piracy scene has exploded. As someonw who buys all my music, I still go to piracy sites to download the rips because they already have it done, I dont have to buy the software to do the ripping and its faster. Spotify will collapse if they increase priceing, the will need to cut cost, maybe stop feeding employess and having a starbucks in the office ect. The real question which tech firm will do this first, because tech people will jump ship to another company at a drop of a hat.
The Major labels partly OWN Spotify so it's skewed towards their favor
Nothing I didn't already know. I've been in the radio business for 40 years and it was the same back in the Eighties. It's just the way the labels take the money that's changed.
There's also the common argument that "Spotify pays less than the other streamers"
Which is due to them having free tiers and being available in lower income countries (lower monthly charge means lower pay-through to artists/publishers).
When somebody proudly says they used a VPN to sign up for an Indian Spotify account, give them a hard stare.
Final Spotify pardon is around Spotify not having a premium hi-fi tier.
Spotify have been supposedly just about to bring this out for years, but it never materializes. Only explanation I can think of, is that the publishers want to use this to 'renegotiate'. Tidal, Apple etc get their deal, as a way to stop Spotify becoming more dominant.
Maybe solution to all of this, is for Spotify to become a publisher themselves.
Netflix got out from under the movie studios, by making their own TV programs. Spotify's already bought up podcast publishers to diversify from music. Maybe the next step is for Spotify to buy rights to music, guarantee artist return, and then help guide their listeners to it (their curation system is hands-down the best – auto-playlists/radio-stations)
I personally believe Spotify is an elaborate con job, I don't believe people by and large are listening to it, I think they are diddling figures and that's why artists arnt getting payed. People are streaming on You Tube whi h is free fun to use and watch and has much lower add ratio. The playlist system I believe is nonsense, I don't belive listeners are interested in playlists, they want to hear the artist they are interested in, not recommended songs. I believe all the so -called non legit promotion companies are actually run by spotify, and that's how spotify is generating income, conning artists into thinking they are getting streams, didling figures so it looks like they are, then refusing to pay up.. By distancing themselves from these companies they remove the suspicion that they are connected to them. Spotify started as a criminal organisation, I believe its possible it still is. Why would anyone be interested in any of these playlists? No one likes to be told what to like and istem to, especially by some anonymous playlist curator
Streaming is theft. Buy the music you listen to.
I'm what I like to call a "never been." As in even less than a "has been." I've been playing and recording original music with my friends since middle school. I can't say I am angry or disappointed that I didn't "make it." As a 53 year old, I'm grateful that it still brings me joy. I'm very lucky in that I have moved around a lot throughout my life but always found like minded people to make music with. These people usually end up being life long friends. As for streaming, abrupt changes in the music business and technology are quite common and they always result in a major short term disruptions. Whatever comes next, you can be certain that the money people find a way to keep making money and the music people find a way to keep making music in each new landscape. Sometimes they even work together in a arrangement that works for both parties. Countless incredibly talented musicians (and every other type of artist that exists) have completely failed in the marketplace and/or popular culture. It's okay! If all you want to do is make music, go ahead, no one can stop you.
I used to live a minute away from the cut at 11:11. Right next to Epitaph Records
Never give up the rights to your music folks.
Go for the slow nickel rather than the fast dollar.
I’m so punk, I do not stream my music. I play it, create it, and own it. Rarely, if ever, do I stream. Total contrarian, I am
I sailed the seas until Spotify, mainly because of Lars' attitude about it. Fuck Lars. And if spotify raises their price time to raise the flag back up.
how many people actually pay that "$10"? most I hear about are using the free version.
Spotify is just another middle man. Protect your neck.
You seem to have skipped over the digital sales years that iPod/iTunes (and others) brought before the streaming boom.
Blink 182.exe from Limewire, good times
i buy stuff on bandcamp if it's available and i really like it
Tss why don't you river your music or sumptin' tss fawkin home run Chipperson tss double guns cawksucka
Only the stupid of the stupid are using this crap… xD
Kill the labels
Lars is always right. Internet people has other ideas tho.
"Take a few minutes out of your day to support independent artists. Stream their music, share it on your social media, buy some merch, go to their shows. Every time you do that, you'll be striking a blow in favor of artists" – Finn McKenty
Independent labels are better, of course, everything can improve. Trap scene in Argentina is a good example. Bzrp knows what he´s doing. So does Duki, D.I.Y. style. We are used to that in "underdeveloped" countries. Even with journalism and in other art disciplines, like cinema and theatre.
Even some big artists now decide not to sign with a record label. There are some new companies that offer tailored solutions on whatever aspect of the business the need support on.
Should do a video on yt music
9:00 nice math
this video doesn't really come off as a rounded perspective. normally I really love your content but I feel like a piece is lost here. many smaller artists and independent artists get screwed by Spotify because of their creator fund mentality, if they were to just pay out a price per stream it would work out a lot better. the music industry has always been so messed up and record labels are awful but that doesn't make Spotify good they still do fuck over artists intentionally or unintentionally. I can personally back this up as a lot of my friends are in semi successful bands at the moment and get paid no money, not only that but my family friends include members of material issue and local H which were both very successful bands. None of them get paid any type of money from Spotify. It's not that Spotify gives doesn't give away money its that the way they give it away is wrong and should be worked on.
Really good video man
I’m not your target audience. That said, streaming music has always been lame to me. I get wanting to hear something you don’t own, but… damn, degraded audio is not worth listening to.
It would be cool of you to do videos about record labels themselves. Like a rise and fall type video. Would be cool to dive into ferret, sumerian and victory.
can you check out this band called UNDERSIDE
Check out Lil Hooligan
This guy lost all credibility, Megadeth as a band with bad name? And then said music sounds better with earplugs?! Nah this guy sounds old
i use spotify but i also buy a lot of vinyl records. am i a bad person?
I would keep Spotify over any other streaming service. I used to save money for months as a kid just to buy a cassette or CD. 10$ a month for almost everything is amazing!
Make Piracy Great Again
We all need to start supporting the artists we actually care about directly by purchasing through their websites and to start using piracy for everything else again.
MTV also killed the music industry when they stopped playing music videos.
We just have to face, making music for love, not money these days. unless you are touring… This explains a lot.
I love this kind of video of yours, I always learn something and manage to stay focused all along!

Great video.