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Motley Crue ruled the 80s. Pearl Jam ruled the 90s. Eddie Vedder said he despised Motley Crue and Nikki Sixx said Pearl Jam was a boring band.

#pearljam #mötleycrüe

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29 thoughts on “The Motley Crue vs. Pearl Jam Beef Explained

  1. Grunge only had a small foot hold in music briefly. Pearl Jam were never really grunge though. The only reason older 80s rock bands were pushed out was because their contracts were ready for renewal and cutting them loose was more financially viable even when they were successful. People forget Nirvana were still losing awards to metal bands during their supposed "rise". Pop punk had basically replaced it by 94-95 along with Brit Pop. Majority of "rock" and metal bands that came after were basically redoing Metallica's The Black Album into the late 2000s. Metallica's breakthrough album was far more influential then people realize. Most Grunge/Alternative bands were starting to flop by the mid to late 90s.

  2. I can’t stress enough how much I LOOOOOVVVVVEEEEE Pearl Jam. But I also can’t stress enough how much I hHAAATTTEEE listening to Edie Veder on interviews.

  3. Grudge lyrics was way above and the adult in the room and it didn't treat women as whores or sex objects or making moat of the album about getting laid. There were a lot of good rock bands that look back today and say the things they did for money and feel embarrass about the make up, tight spandex and selling out commercially.

  4. Pearl Jam doesn't even have enough good songs to make 1 album. I am a big fan of Alice in Chains, and Soundgarden. But i grew up with the so called "Hair Metal" and that will always be my first choice

  5. Ever notice that discussions about rock musicians who have a 'beef' with someone else seem to always boil down to about 10 people? I'm just saying that the last names 'Vedder, Sixx, Mustaine, Simmons, Reznor, Love and Rose just seem to come up alot in these discussions.

  6. Pearl jam has 2 maybe 3 good records at most
    Crüe had 2 maybe 3 good albums
    Both bands are living of their past
    Both bands come from different decades
    Both bands are equally irrelevant today
    But at least Crüe aren’t brainless commie’s
    Eddie Vedder is a pompous self righteous social justice warrior the lowest of the low

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